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Author[Lease][LvL 9 lvl8 lvl 5 and lvl3 artifacts]
Leasing back in action with more arts-
Mithril longsword--325
Sword of might--- 160
Sword of retribution-87
Reprisal sword-43

Light mithril cuirass-115
Steel cuirass-92

Dragon shield- 171
Defender shield-33

Head gear-
Steel helmet- 67
Chain helmet-57

Foot gear-
Light mithril boots-175
Steel boots- 105

Pendant of despair-137
Amulet of luck-51
Medal of bravery-30

2x Ring of inspiration- 109 per piece

Cape of winds-73
Scout's cape- 21

Lvl 9 set

Mithril longsword--321
Light mithril cuirass-114
Dragon shield- 169
Steel helmet- 65
Light mithril boots-173
Pendant of despair-135
2x Ring of inspiration- 107 per piece
Cape of winds-72

Lvl8 set
Sword of might--- 157
Light mithril cuirass-114
Dragon shield- 169
Steel helmet- 65
Light mithril boots-173
Pendant of despair-135
2x Ring of inspiration- 107 per piece
Cape of winds-72

Lvl7 set
Sword of might--- 157
Steel cuirass-90
Dragon shield- 169
Steel helmet- 65
Steel boots- 104
Pendant of despair-135
2x Ring of inspiration- 107 per piece
Cape of winds-72

Lv5 set
Sword of retribution-87
Chain helmet-56
Defender shield-32
Amulet of luck-50/Medal of bravery-29
2x Ring of inspiration- 107 per piece
Scout's cape- 21

Minimum AP set
Reprisal sword-42
Defender shield-32
Medal of bravery-30
Scout's cape- 21

Prices shown in set art are only applicable when you rent the whole set.You can interchange any artifacts in the two sets like a lvl9 taking sword of might instead of mithril sword but ATLEAST 8 ARTIFACTS SHOULD BE RENTED EXCEPT FOR MIN AP SET AND FOR LVL5 SET 7 ARTIFACTS SHOULD BE RENTED.

Kindly also check last page full to see the latest price.
If you need any, kindly PM me with number of combacts and time you desire.
Hi.If a lender lends more than 3 artis and fail to use it within the time, 80% of the money will be refunded .If it is for 1 or 2 battle, I can relend it for 1 gold per arti one more time if asked within 24 hrs.

If I don't respond to your messages when I am shown as online, kindly pardon me.I might have taken a small break and might return within 10-20 minutes.
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