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AuthorFinancial assist - player on lvl 13
These two players are registrated as wife and husband. From their personal info pages we can see that they are playing from same IP.

Assit from player-Aniola-
to player Nottingham

From the oldest to the newest.

Smith assistance:

08-29-09 16:43: Received 12800 Gold from -Aniola- : Sword of might repair
08-29-09 16:37: Item returned: "Sword of might [E2]" [8/79] to -Aniola-
08-29-09 13:35: Received item(s): 'Sword of might [E2]' [0/80] to be returned until 30-08-09 13:35 ; for 0 battles ; (repairing allowed) from -Aniola- . Transaction price: 1 Gold

Repairing weapon for 110% repairing cost in Smiths lvl 0...Interesting, very clever.

Financial assist:

This is only one present from Nottingham to -Aniola-

01-05-10 20:37: Transferred item(s): '"Female happiness" bouquet' [10/10] to -Aniola- (1k)

All next present go from -Aniola- to Nottingham and they are much more expensive.

04-11-10 11:46: Received item(s): 'Defender`s dagger' [15/15] from -Aniola- (4k)
04-14-10 19:38: Received item(s): 'Silver partisan' [40/40] from -Aniola- (25k)
07-07-10 16:24: Received item(s): 'Protector`s cuirass' [50/50] from -Aniola- (40k)
08-14-10 14:22: Received item(s): 'Silver partisan' [40/40] from -Aniola- (25k)

It is clearly shown that he got presents worth 94k, while she only 1k.

What we have more? Free renting service:

12-27-10 14:20: Received item(s): 'Hunter bow' [5/10] to be returned until 29-12-10 14:20 ; for 5 battles from -Aniola- . Transaction price: 1 Gold
12-27-10 14:20: Received item(s): 'Ring of inspiration' [5/18] to be returned until 29-12-10 14:20 ; for 5 battles from -Aniola- . Transaction price: 1 Gold
12-27-10 14:20: Received item(s): 'Dragon shield' [53/70] to be returned until 29-12-10 14:20 ; for 5 battles from -Aniola- . Transaction price: 1 Gold
12-27-10 14:20: Received item(s): 'Steel cuirass' [50/70] to be returned until 29-12-10 14:20 ; for 5 battles from -Aniola- . Transaction price: 1 Gold
12-27-10 14:19: Received item(s): 'Light mithril coif' [49/70] to be returned until 29-12-10 14:19 ; for 5 battles from -Aniola- . Transaction price: 1 Gold

Ring of inspiration - 5x93=465;
Dragon shield -5x28=140;
Steel cuirass - 5x71=355
Light mithril coif - 5x80=400

Summing this up we get around 100k Nottingham profit from -Aniola- (same IP).

From player Aguar: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4596240

09-23-09 08:29: Received 69000 Gold 3 Gems 2 Crystals 2 Sulfur 4 Mercury 10 Ore 6 Wood from Aguar : 30% of my belongings. Good luck in the game!

Two days after Aguar log off and never come back.

3.15. Large transfers for the reason of leaving the game etc. are forbidden.
[Post deleted by moderator Magier // No 3rd party comments in CaA]
[Post deleted by moderator Tyrisia // No Third-party comment in C&A]
So wich rule I broke because I just see a bunch of nonsense , aguar left the game he was from moscow I'm from nottingham what can be checked , he sended 30% of his wealth so what's the problem ? Aniola is my wife from 2 months before that she was living in Poland me in England what can be checked by ip she never send me more then 30%,of wealth she sometime sended me a gift what is not a rule breaker , she borrowed me arts for tournament so what ill borow her arts as well , smiths guild yes she sended me sword for repair when we were in the same clan because I said I will make an extra deals for her when I reach better lvl so wich exactly rule I broke ?
[Post deleted by moderator Magier // No 3rd party comments in CaA]
[Post deleted by moderator Magier // No 3rd party comments in CaA]
1. If you aren't related to the application directly - don't leave your messages in it's topic. Third-party comments are allowed only for providing additional facts about the affair, or for replacing the link to warlog with the more readable battlechat. Discussions, expressing personal opinions, etc. are penalized with at least 24 hour ban.
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