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AuthorMy Memorable Battles
In my journey to be one of the strongest lord of this world, I have fought many battles, and a lot of battles are waiting for me in future. All of them are very valuable to me, as the ones in which I won, I got fame and fortune. And in which I lost, I got learnings which helped to improvise my technique. However among them some were really really marvellous and I don't want to left them in oblivion. Thus I am starting this topic as an album for all of my memorable battles. Hope these will help other aspiring young KNIGHTS also as they have to understand that TACTICS, STRATEGY and NERVE are heart of a battle, specially when you are a KNIGHT!!!!!

journey to the end now?quit this game then
1> https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=27558683
In this battle I teamed up with a Barb named wojnik228(https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?nick=wojnik228) against a mage named mage0(https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?nick=mage0) and a DE named End_Fallen(https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?nick=End_Fallen). It was really a hard battle and I could not thought that I could win.....
In this battle I teamed up with a DE named Lucky-wizard(https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?nick=Lucky-wizard) against a Demon named Hogata(https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?nick=Hogata) and a KNIGHT named baykusmeto(https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?nick=baykusmeto). It was really a hard battle and I could not thought that I could win till last 3-4 turnes were left.....
ur lvl 4 after all

you have a looooong way to go ;)
I know ma'am, but this is not something for SHOW-OFF, this is simply an album of some battles I value very much. I have no intention to brag about my victory or strategy as it be a pure foolish act, because the game is already full of a number of highly intelligent and really AWESOME good fighters.
check out mine
raid of demons at lv 5
for ChakrabortySVK:

I think you were offended..sorry for that.But what I said was this thread would be not be enough by the time you reach level 15 or my level also.
[Post deleted by moderator Brilliant // vulgarity]
[Player banned by moderator Brilliant until 2011-02-15 15:02:22 // ]
for sry:

no I was offended, but guessed that people may think that I want to show all how much good player I am. But to decide whether I am a good player or not, it is simply lies in the future, and precisely I am not the one to judge this anyway! And I am saying again IT IS NOTHING BUT A SORT OF AN ALBUM!!!!!

for Brokkole_Gomer:

are you completely out of your mind?
Coming this far, I have seen many wars here and there. Now, I decided to finish my click-war, sell all my resources and quit resource-trading as the market will come to a slowdown soon. Congratulation you have wasted 1 min to read this post full of irrelevant stuffs.
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