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AuthorLike/ Dislike Button for posts
I'm not really sure how one goes about creating a forum, but im pretty sure this would be fairly easy to implement. We don't even need to implement it on all the old forum posts, just implement it on the new threads that come out. I don't know, instead of counting all the "+1s" and so on, we could just check at a glance the popularity of each thread...I personally think it would be worthwhile, as comparing popularity by the # of threads is a bit old-fashioned. If we want this game to move forward, new things do have to be implemented, such as a like or dislike button on the threads/posts.
+50 i love you're ideas alot!

You mean like people putting +1 or -1 here without explaining why? Too cowardly.
Well, obviously, they could comment if they wanted to. -.-
Plus, not only for I & S forum, also for other forums as well :P
like facebook post :) that's good
+1 then you could easily tell if its a good idea
why? i think anythink that has somethink to do with facebook should be burn


Facebook lame stuff away from here.

Lords of Facebook and money . . . ? :p

Would make it easier for people to know what the like/dislike status is instead of going through all the pages...

It would be good only for Ideas and Suggestion I say. Facebook is facebook and LOWM is LOWM :)
I say -1, but instead, implement a "Reputation" system like many other forums have.
I like it

+1 from me


+1 for SlayerOfNoobs
who would decline this idea? if you make your own topic and then people give you plus and minus you have to count it to see how many minus or plus in your topic
and this idea fit perfectly for any kind of forum!

and another 1+
however if you don't know how many plus or minus in your topic you don't know will your topic to be accepted or not
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