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AuthorChange Name
Do you think we should do that?
For example if you want to create a new character that has the same faction as your main character;

it will make it harder to track cheaters..
I would like to change my name if possible. Maybe the service should cost some in game gold. The new names would need admin approval like new clans. That way cheaters can be checked.
would like to change my name if possible. Maybe the service should cost some in game gold. The new names would need admin approval like new clans. That way cheaters can be checked.

+1 to that

+1 too!
+1, though I would say only allow name changing a limited amount of times, like maybe no more than 3. And of course your id would stay the same, so I don't see how cheaters could get a away with it. I mean new name or not their transfer log is still illegal
If I remember correctly, this option is available in .ru
Costs 50 diamonds. :P
without diamonds?
-100 if u change some one reports u and u see it and u change ur name so it will make it difficult for admins to find u and if u change ur name ur friends will also not be able to search for u
All you have to do is post their link... if you didn't do that why did you report them?
It should be like . . .

First time name change = 10000 Gold
Second time name change = 25000 Gold
Third Time = 50000 Gold

Then it can go on doubling . . . .

This would definitely prevent unnecessary name changes! :)
if i would change my name to megalord then my name should be
Megalord(known as Jiang_wei)
Jiang_Wei's idea is good.
It would prevent people from cheating.
I understand the need for (known as jiang wei) however the idea of changing ones name is because you werunhappy with the previous one. It should only display previous names seaparate.

I like the idea, as I don't really like my name :D
If it would cost gold, retain the ID number, and would require some sort of approval by a higher force (Mods maybe) then it would cause no harm, I think.
Also, the system should store the older name, so when you're searching for a player by one's old name, you could find him/her.
if they change your name, none of the old logs will change.

e.g. your name is X and sell a fernflower on the market to player Y.
Then in transferlog from Y is: bought fernflower from X.
Then if X changes his name into Z, then it still shows in the transferlog form Y that he bought a fernflower from X.

a name change has happened once or twice in this game as far as i can remember, and i can assure it causes a lot of confusion;

so -1
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