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AuthorSeveral shady transfers concerning GoR Infernal set.

I've tried to contact Saddam before writing this, but since there is no answer by him:

For the purchase of the Guardians of Russia Infernal set many transfers happened which seem to be not within rules.

Transfer log of GoR leader Saddam: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4430939

From lvl 9 character:
01-12-11 18:48 Received item(s): 'Infernal plate' [100/100] from pelmeshka . Transaction price: 1 Gold

From lvl 11 character:
01-12-11 18:20 Received 130000 Gold from Fosjka : inf set

From lvl 7 character:
01-12-11 18:30 Transferred 150000 Gold to Kazanec , Commission charged: 1500 :

From lvl 7 character:
01-12-11 08:25 Received 100000 Gold from Spegot : for clan

Additionally there are many transfers between GoR members (mostly loans) in the time when the clan set was purchased, which seem to be illegal, too.

I won't do the work to give you every entry in every transfer log. That investigation would be up to you, admin(s).
Was done by ordinary clan purchase rarities
[Post deleted by moderator Magier // Off topic.]
I'll transfer set arts to players Fosjka, Kazanec, Spegot for 1 month. Then transfer to another till all money will be returned. Can that solve this problems whith game rules?

P.S. In my personal information - "Infernal set - property of clan #110"
And today try to return money for players, who transfer too much.
01-12-11 20:58: Received item(s): 'Infernal greave' [100/100] from White_Magic . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-12-11 19:04: Received item(s): 'Infernal helmet' [100/100] from Kazanec . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-12-11 18:48: Received item(s): 'Infernal plate' [100/100] from pelmeshka . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-12-11 18:44: Received item(s): 'Infernal shield' [100/100] from Kontrakt . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-12-11 18:34: Received item(s): 'Infernal talisman' [100/100] from Fosjka . Transaction price: 1 Gold

3.15. Large transfers for the reason of leaving the game etc. are forbidden. Presents must not exceed 10,000 gold * [Combat level of the grantor] + 250 * [Diamonds obtained by the grantor through donations] per month.

Also all these presents exceed the limit since they are worth far more than 90k~110k

It is not a present or donation. It is simply a transfer of clan-owned artifacts so that they are all in one place. Because they are in his inventory doesn't mean he owns them.
6 players all bought one item from the set individually, they didnt buy it from the clan funds, so these artifacts do not belong to the clan.
not individually. they get money from clan treasurer

01-12-11 17:50: Transferred 500000 Gold to White_Magic, Commission charged: 5000 : infernal set
01-12-11 17:46: Transferred 350000 Gold to Kazanec, Commission charged: 3500 : infernal set
01-12-11 17:45: Transferred 600000 Gold to Kontrakt, Commission charged: 6000 : infernal set
01-12-11 17:45: Transferred 600000 Gold to Fosjka, Commission charged: 6000 : infernal set
01-12-11 17:43: Withdrawn 2200000 gold from the #110 clan account
1,6 Dear players, before creating topics like this, may be u should explore the situation ?

with such success you can take everyones transfer, put it in a forum and write, that it is "shady"
If you carefully explore player's, who is mentioned in postn N1 transfers, there would be no reason to create this theme.

In Saddam's ( leader of #110 ) profile is written, that the set is property of #110

All items from inf set was bought on clan money.

From lvl 9 character:
01-12-11 18:48 Received item(s): 'Infernal plate' [100/100] from pelmeshka . Transaction price: 1 Gold

why u din't mentioned about this pelmeshka's transfer ?
01-12-11 17:43: Withdrawn 2200000 gold from the #110 clan account

About me

why u didn't mentioned about this transfers ?
01-12-11 17:43: Withdrawn 2200000 gold from the #110 clan account
01-12-11 17:45: Transferred 600000 Gold to Fosjka, Commission charged: 6000 : infernal set
01-12-11 18:18: Acquired item: "Infernal talisman" [100/100] for 470000 gold from Empire as lot #2108434
I think u all studied at school....
600k - 470k = 130k left, it wastn't so hard to calculate ?

From lvl 11 character:
01-12-11 18:20 Received 130000 Gold from Fosjka : inf set

the next post about Kazanec...
Pelmeshka's transfers
01-12-11 17:46: Transferred 350000 Gold to Kazanec, Commission charged: 3500 : infernal set

Saddam's transfer
From lvl 7 character:
01-12-11 18:30 Transferred 150000 Gold to Kazanec , Commission charged: 1500

And than again Kazanec's transfer
01-12-11 18:51: Acquired item: "Infernal helmet" [100/100] for 514354 gold from Empire as lot #2108477

May be it's hadr to you to calculate 350k + 150k ( 130 from Fosjka + 20k from Saddam ) = 500k + 14354k ( Kazanec money )


From lvl 7 character:
01-12-11 08:25 Received 100000 Gold from Spegot : for clan

Ohh no.. the first "shady" transfer...Spegot transfered as donation instead of 70k - 100k..
That's why u created this theme ?
All because of 30k ?
By the way, 30k was returned to owner...

It was hard to explore transfers, before creating this topic ?

One question...Why u created this theme ?
I returned the money after Nutella created this topic. No charge is without violations:)
for all:
Perhaps there are still transfers that violate the rules of the game. They will be corrected. I had not enough time to collect money to buy a set. Excuse me, that made some violations
I've written you PM. If all this transfers are within rules, I apologize in advance. It was not intended to slander your clan.

But you have to admit, that there are less complicated ways to buy a set for clan. And you can't demand that I do the work of an admin and read every detail of any transfer log of any player involved in this.

Sorry for offtopic, but I guess this had to be said.
.in my opinion if u want to blame or catch someone in something illegal, you should proove it.

Sorry for offtop.
3.15. Large transfers for the reason of leaving the game etc. are forbidden. Presents must not exceed 10,000 gold * [Combat level of the grantor] + 250 * [Diamonds obtained by the grantor through donations] per month.
Infringement is obvious. Fosjka, stop please :)
3.15. Large transfers for the reason of leaving the game etc. are forbidden. Presents must not exceed 10,000 gold * [Combat level of the grantor] + 250 *
im in realax
Transferred 37000 Gold to... ^)
but situation - the absurd
if there is a violation of the rules - we fix it.
many people live under the old rules of 30% of income per month

Sorry for offtop.
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