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Authorthief guild invite
Maby the diamonds amount for thief guild entry fee could be splited, like 30 euros to get into the guild, and then another 30 when u reach lvl 2 ore u can not do thiefing no more (ore even, 20 to enter, 20 when u reach lvl 2 and 20 when u reach lvl 4). In this way more people could aford thieving . O yes, and please introduce some other ways for donating, some of us lives in countries that are not covered with pay pal sistem.
please introduce some other ways for donating

Please write something, if u like it back it up, ore if u dont say why not.
introduce some other ways for donating

Maybe a "mini-invitation"

You can pay 80ˆ for thieve´s guild full invitation.
or you can pay 10ˆ to play 1st level
then pay 20ˆ to play 2nd level
30ˆ --> 3rd level ,,,,,
and of course you dont be rewarded in level 5 with a thief invitation.

This will be a much more expensive way but im sure many people will pay 10 or 20 ˆ to play some levels.

On the other hand the price in the market for a thief invitation will raise if this is done.
new TG system sux !

it should be destroyed into billions of pieces ... & then restored to its 1st state [ TGI on TG2 & TG4 ]
No, u would just pay in several times, and u would get thief invitation on lvl 5 becourse that would be the main thing motivating u to keep paying. Price would be 60 euros if u pay in several times, and could be 50 if u pay at once, it would be fair, course u pay 60$ on ru, not 60e.
I think the price for TGI is rather excessive. My observations indicate players are willing to pay/donate 10-30 Euro for some significant ingame content and 1-5 Euro for lesser content - developers would generate more income with such prices - 80 is very restrictive, especially for players from low income countries.
Under old rules I thought it excessive, but its essentially worth over 1 million gold (you save it, and then actually get it at TG 5). That's 12500 gold per diamond, instead of the straight transfer of 2500. Of course you can only do it once, but still -- I don't think its excessive any longer. Multiple payments is a good idea though. 10, 20, 25, 25 or something like that (that's per level). And you would still get the TGI at level 5. It would encourage players who don't want to spend 80 euros on a game before they can really play it. Not like this will get implemented, I don't know if I've seen an idea that has, but its a good one.
Thief Guild is something for masochists. Real masochists pay for their pleasure. :P
its fine the way it is now

Allowing players to spread out the payments is probably good for the Admins, since I think that the overall result is more donations. And if the Admins are happy, they'll likely do more nice things for us.

If the admins want more money, they gotta make things cheaper. If upgrades were, lets say, only 1 fifth of the price they were now, i would have bought all of them. Since thats not the case, they lose the potential profits. I personally think that things should be much, cheaper then they already are. Since its too late to change it now anyway, my blabbing is probably futile anyway, so meh
Make them free...
Make them free... +1000
The new sistem is totaly umfair for newcomers,most of them wont ever have a TGI.

So +1
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