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AuthorFormation of an MC ethics council?
39 2011-01-07 04:56:14
The purpose of this thread is to discuss how to prevent unethical behaviour, not to discuss which clans were and were not being unethical and how they were being unethical in this particular event.

Arctic has given the clans the opportunity to form a council that will be official and backed by Empire.

How much of this game is controlled by us? Here is the chance to have a go at creating something good for the server. I hope the MCs do decide to take advantage of this and make some guidelines during wars and events that all can follow.

Do not post about anything other than the possible creation of a clan to deal with ethics. You want to talk about what happened in the demon war? Make another thread for that.

Let's see if we can birth a new thing right here in this thread.
-1 from me, as we cannot force every clan to adhere to the rules and regulations made by this council. This will eventually put the clans that adhere in a difficult position as others around them can choose what they want to do.
I would say that every MC should have a single representative and have a single 'vote' on matters. Clan size shouldnt be reason for more representatives from a single clan.

Another thing would be that should there be rules made and henceforth violations, each case should be reviewed individually rather than an immediate imposing of a penalty. Much like court trials.
so you wanna form a un in lordswm did you see how well that worked out in real life?
Shouldn't this be in Ideas and Suggestions?
i wasnt aware the united nations were a bad thing lolol.

sure it isnt perfect. But i sincerely believe it was for the betterment of the world.

was i a fool for believing that? D:D:D:
I suggest we send a PM to all the MC leaders to ask them to come together for the formation of the Council. We (or rather arctic) can make a clan just to house all the MC leaders and to show who is in the council.

It should be chaired by Arctic(or a representative selected by him)and discussions can easily be done in Clan chat or via clan PM (all members can be made Heralds). MC ethics and common ground directions can be worked out here once it is set up.

I don't think all MCs may want in, so it can be optional. All MCs who are in are bound by the ethics they make (since it's voluntary, no excuse there) and all decision should be made with 75% quorum and unanimous agreement of all attending. Any MC not part of the council is not bound by any ethic rules, but then everyone will know they are not bound by it.

Any opinions?
Ethics??? Ethics are nothing more than an excuse to get screwed by those who don't follow them!

Trying to enforce ethics on others? Is this ethical at all????

Arctic: Why don't you just make a system delay of 2-4 weeks between an application to join a military clan, and the actual membership. And while in this "pre"-joining your activity on the war front does not add up to the MC.

Make this joining of MC a more serious commitment, not just a cheap convenience. We've already seen this with the "official" clans (chat/forum/sages), with people joggling in and out of MC just for a place in the clan (which totally defied the rule for 1 member from each MC)
[Post deleted by moderator Jedi-Knight // Off topic]
Ethics??? Ethics are nothing more than an excuse to get screwed by those who don't follow them

Wow, your opinion of the players on this server must be pretty low. Must have changed quickly some time after your rebellion affair that you so enjoyed.

I don't believe that clans would agree to something in good faith and then just look to find ways around it. Maybe I am wrong and if I am then the whole concept of MCs is rather pointless.

Where is that role player in you now? You can't see how a clan like this may be useful in the future?
I think this would be fair if all leaders/representatives from each military
clans step out and give their opinions.
He IS being dramatic. That he thinks i mean is that the demon war thing was a pretty simple problem which could be solved by said suggestions he offered (which i must say is simplistically good:D)
and that forming an 'ethics' clan(which is a pretty big word/thing) is going overboard.

In 'defense' of modi's point though, i believe that the point of the clan is to be prepared(of sorts) for future more serious problems
(admittedly i cant imagine what is serious about for a clan and yet not too serious for admin intervention) that arise being related to clans.
I don't think you can say its optional to be included in this commitee,
it should be a voted from the mc leaders rules and if in favor all abide by it.

Since if you allow the option then those that aren't in the ethics commitee have the right to cheat while the ones that are in do not
giving those that do not join very much unfair advantage in this wars.
for LostDark1:
It's because we can't force MCs to be part of it.

Real-life wise, people's ethics differ (as shown by what's been spoken in the thread and the one this branched off from), and you need a consensus for any "ethic" to be passed as "law".

Roleplaying-wise, there's always the Evil clans, right?
+ lostdark1
either it is in the game rules or it is not.
ethic commitees are only for those who joined, so others have an advantage.

+1 naviron, true, its just so afterwards you can say hey you cheated!
cause even if you joined the comitee, what happens if you don't follow the ethic rules being setup? you get kicked out of the comitee?

it will only work if the game rules get amended to include the ethic rules.

it will only work if the game rules get amended to include the ethic rules.

It is entirely possible for this to happen in the future but not if there is no initiative on the part of players who want admins to control the whole game and think that any amount of self-governance is above our abilities as human beings.

It's amusing how I am reading all the negatives instead of reading what could be positive in at least TRYING to create something more than the current babysitting we have now. Says a lot about who is playing and where the game can go.
ethic commitees are only for those who joined, so others have an advantage.

If that is what you think ethics are about you are misunderstanding. Ethical standards in any setting are to ensure a number of things.

To be brief and stay somewhat relevant to this situation I will only describe a few. Ethics create a standard, whether on the giving or receiving end there is a mutual understanding of what is expected. Ethics create safeguards to minimize the chances or abilities that people, or groups, will be treated in a negative way.

If you care to gain a better understanding of why ethics are created or important here are some examples of some important steps in the development of ethics you can google.

Tuskegee experiment
Stanford prison experiment
Milgram shock experiment

As for our lovely game and this topic... MC's and its members can do what they want. Make a council, or dont. To be honest I think only a few players really care enough to put any effort into it. But remember we players can choose to make our own rules, we dont need admin to put it in writing. As long as it doesnt go against official rules.

Such as "requesting" min ap battles. There is nothing in the rules to stop anyone from joining a battle in full arts against others in min ap. Many clans have been formed by players to try and decrease the chances of this happening. This is a player influenced impact on the game.

What is being suggested would be similar. It would only be the players, MC's, and those involved that would be responsible for keeping their word and behaving as agreed.
A Halvspak,

You misunderstand me, I understand the concept of ethics and know that in all of the above situation and in the real world ethics will work to a certain extend to create a better living for all.

However I am only speaking for this game. If we create ethical rules like; no borrowing out of members to other mc's during events, all mc's within the committee will most likely adhere to there rules, however there are surely mc's that do not want any part of the committee, maybe not now, but if we are getting to a bigger population with more mc's this will surely be the case. (ouch thats a lot of ,'s within one sentence).

What prevents these non joining mc's from following our ethic rules? Nothing right? They do not recognize the committee and therefor are not "forced" to follow our rules. This might put the mc's that adhere into a disadvantage, it might also put us at an advantage, only time can tell.

All I am trying to say is that you can only have governance and democracy if the whole population agrees and recognizes the bodies in place.

I might be totally wrong, so don't flame or anything, I just don't think it is enough.

What could be done though is the following:
We setup the committee, let them setup rules and regulations and have a server wide vote / poll over them. If approved by more then 75% of the voting population then the admins can add these rules and regulation to the game rules.

Let me know what you think?
You're talking about an ethics council now, because of what I see as a mildly questionable action by the leader of WGW? Where were you after the First Blindfold tournament? That's like making a big deal of a burglary but ignoring a murder.
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