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AuthorNew year event
The greatest of the Lords and Ladies were engaged in the decisive counterattack on the Infernals deep within the Pandemonium.
But not even that fact could deprive the grass-roots of the Empire from their most beloved holiday - the New Year.

Her Majesty appeared on the Central Square to honour those eager to see her with her presence. Everyone in the Great Capital already knew what their Empress had gone through, so each of them brought a little candle which they lit in silence to offer compassion and empathy to their liege. Her Majesty the Empress wept large salty tears off Her cheeks several times furtively.

She then spoke, and every citizen present on the Central Square heeded with delight. She spoke about all the difficulties the Empire had gone through during that year, about all the heroic deeds that the Lordship performed, and the great role that every single subject of Hers played in the welfare of the Empire.

Those who served Her for many years already, and those who only recently had sworn their allegiance alike, equally got Her Majesty's gratitude. The fact that the Empire still stood and prospered, having its proud sons and daughters fight for peace and freedom, was a merit of every inhabitant.

Fortunately, the campaign in the Pandemonium had started recently and the initiative was entirely held by the Empire forces. This way, the warlords on the other side of the portals agreed to let Lords take turns in returning to the Empire and joining the celebrations.
As for those celebrations, a great deal of entertainment was going to be organised. The magical torrents in the air combined with the Academy endeavours made the following features possible until January 3rd included:

1. Special New Year Character images with winter thematics
2. The New Year's special Throne Battle tournament with tier 7 upgraded creatures
3. Hunts, mercenary quests and thief ambushes 40% more often
4. Troops ready and mana restoration 40% quicker
5. Young Christmas deer transport, increasing movement speed by 40%
6. Experience and faction skill points earned in combats increased by 20%
7. Old and New year Chinese horoscope symbolic hunts
8. New year ale in the artifact shop's presents section
9. Every Lord of combat level 3 and above gets a tasty present upon logging in once each day
10. Every Lord can make a present transfer (artifact) to others. The contents will remain unknown to the recipient until the New 2011 year.
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