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Author | enchant in tournament |
do enchantments have any effect in tournament battles? | Nope. | Really? | yaa |
Enchanted artifacts (Enchanters' guild) are allowed, but the enchantments have no effect on this arena. | Tournaments are divided into three classes by admitted ammunition:
1) "Unarmed". Lords can only enlist for challenges with no artifact equipped at all.
2) "Standard". Lords aren't admitted to the arena unless they have a minimum set of equipment which is determined by the sum of AP (ammunition points) of worn artifacts. Only shop artifacts are allowed. Enchanted artifacts (Enchanters' guild) are allowed, but the enchantments have no effect on this arena.
3) "Free-for-all". Lords can enlist regardless of the items they currently wear. Enchantments do have effect in these types of tournaments.
So it all depends on what kind of tournament you're participating in. | closed by Lord Agelage (2010-12-28 16:58:40) |
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