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   Forums-->Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles-->

Authori did nothing wrong!
cantbstopped- this mod locked my complaint and then fined me for reporting multi accounts. i did nothing wrong since they let me back on this game from when i did not folloe the rules. why am i being fined 20,000 gold for doing good instead of bad. is that justice? i think not you all can look through my logs all you want and you tell me if you think i have done anything wrong since my unblocking.
[Player banned by moderator cantbstopped until 2010-12-29 19:26:43 // rule #4 of the C&A LRs]
4. Questions concerning closed affairs, requests and other attempts to contact the Administration are made with the help of Secretary. Violation of this rule is penalized by at least 24 hour ban.


This section is only for:
¤ Insults in battles, tavern, private mail. Swearing, rudeness, threats, flood.
¤ Staged combats, paid-for combats, deliberate loses, bad sportsmanship, giveaway combats.
¤ Flood and insults in transfer log.



i did afk but it is because i had to sleep
that's a violation of the following rule:

3.16. Staged combats leading one of the parties to losing a priori will be punished for. A staged combat by definition is one where any one of the parties or party members intentionally loses to the other FOR ANY REASON DIFFERENT from having technical problems with access to the game.

you have admitted u went afk w/o experiencing tech.probs with access to the game that's why you were fined.
closed by Lord cantbstopped (2010-12-26 22:26:07)
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