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AuthorWhat the?

view this battle,the uy who played till the end did not get trinkets,but some1 who was afk got it.
first there is no question ?
2nd its random completely random
yeah what can we do..it's all about luck
the question is why did the second guy not get it.
the question is why did the second guy not get it.

again because its completely random
for Xarrior:
the 2nd guy was experiencing a certain period of bad luck first he assisted the guy who got afk(one bad luck) then he didn't got trinket(2nd bad luck)

and 1st guy was lucky because he won inspite of being afk due to his partner (1st good luck ) and then he got trinket(2nd good luck)

It's ALL about good and bad luck people above tried to tell u the same in brief but this should be enough for you now
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Trinkets are randomly given to player for victory in each type of fight
closed by KnightSlayer (2010-12-26 14:33:35)
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