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AuthorA question, is this legal?
Hi to all. This is my question, ill wait my bad english dont disturb u all xD. I have a friend in my clan, we share IP when we play from work, but no in our home. I want to be repair hero, and he enchanted hero. Can i sell him resources ( ice crystal, abrasive, etc ) to help him to improve enchant ( at guild prices ) and can him send me item to repair? Thanks to all, any question here if u need more information :)
It is highly suggested you don't do it as you share your IP (unless you stop playing from work)
Avoid to transfer gold, arts, ressource, elements and so on when you are sharing IP with other accounts.
ok, then we cannot enjoy the game ( in the future he cannot enchant my artifacts, and i cannot repair his enchant artifacts ). Can we talk to someone to try this?( secretary, artic, etc.. )
for Astarothh:
Feel free to. PM Secretary or Arctic if you desire and ask them and maybe reach an accommodation. Only they can grant you such.
closed by Lord Agelage (2010-12-23 11:12:47)
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