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AuthorUploading an Avatar
While selling avatars, I have lots of buyers asking me "How to upload the avatar?" Please provide a detailed explaination on how to upload an avatar. Thanks in advance.
You can either upload it your album, place it in your profile or upload it at www.tinypic.com.
Thanks Reyron but I wanted an explaination on how to upload it to our personnel info(in our character page)
well, first your avatar must be a photo, picture... gif or jpeg format. Use can use tool (photoshop, photofiltre, gimp and so on to resize and add some text)

Respect those conditions :

# Requirements:Image format JPEG (.jpg) or GIF (.gif)
# File size less or equal to 50 kilobytes
# Size less or equal to 150x150
# Image may not contain pornographic content and/or foul language.

When done use this link : https://www.lordswm.com/pers_avatar.php

and browse to catch the file. then press Set

good luck
Thanks Patrickou and Reyron.
closed by Empire (2010-12-17 11:26:26)
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