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AuthorMarket-watcher service - we can trace items prices!
In my oppinion, it s good idea to know the "Instant" enchanted price for arts but whereas Minimal price, why not using average, because the cost will be closer the real cost.

Just a thought to help for the "real" cost.
great job
This is great.
for Patrickou:
There can be button with select (or manually correct displayed price)
- average price for last 24h, 48h, last 3h or something else
Nice idea Litwin,keep it up ^^

#5 this will be a good support to know the instant price for enchantments. Keep in mind elements cannot be bought on the same price. For example E12 will need 60 meteors and 60 toads. This is why the average will be more acurate than the lowest price.

Market instant price can be helpfull to regulate the market too. I mean this will give a starting point price for arts.

So your idea will be a good one to regulate prices.
#7 for Patrickou:
Yes, but this is impossible to calculate price of buy large amount because any buy-sell transaction making small impact on prices.

Charts is only a historical data. Last value, on right side, this is a price what is updated for every hour. This mean, that we see item with 2.200 and next for 2.700, we got (2.200+2.700)/2. This is not true in real life, but if we take this prices few times (up to 24x per day), this will be more realistic. I thinking about this wages, maybe i use other method to calculate this.

There is possibility to catch it every 10m, but i don't want to overload game server.
I think, one hour is good time value to generate price statistic. When prices are stable (look at moonstone or fern flower), is good, but when we see a Fire Crystal, they are crazy sometime.

In large amount of time we got stable prices.
Well, you can start with this point and we could compair in time to see how accurate is this method. Your idea is good and will be helpfull to math enchanted arts. For example i always have the same question : What is cost for this sowrd X, how could i sell this art... And so on
closed by Empire (2010-12-15 15:03:08)
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