Author | Hunter Arts |
I have HG 5 but when I just won a hunt I got a hunter shirt, though it was against a very easy enemy. Is the quality of loot dependent on the quality of opponent or is it just random? |
To my knowledge it is random. |
The chance of getting an item drop is random and the % chance is based on your HG rank
(HG+2)% chance per hunt, if I'm right |
The probability of getting an artifact is determined by the lord's hunter level. The higher the guild level is, the more probable it is to find an artifact. Thereupon, new hunters' guild levels ensure finding better items. Artifacts found have unique properties and can be kept to gather ammunition sets. |
Since level 5 you can loot from hunter arts to Great Hunter Arts with same probs. The prob to loot an art is (3 + Hunter Guild Level) % so for a HG5 = 8%
But the art, it s totally random. #2 Agelage had answered. |