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Author[Rent] Shop artifacts
Amulet of luck - 65
Warrior pendat - 230

Steel helmet - 95
Light mithril helmet - 125

Steel cuirass - 135
Platemail - 310

Steel boots - 135
Light mithril boots - 180

Reprisal sword - 65
Mithril longsword - 320

Defender Shield -65
Dragon shield - 185
Tower Shield - 185

Ring of inspiration - 145
Signet-ring of might - 260

Scout`s cape - 70
Cape of winds - 95

Clan mates have a discount of 10%
Duration of leasing 1.5 hours per battle
For every battle that you have payed but you did not make, you take back half the gold you paid
closed by Lord Ektoras (2010-11-29 17:43:06)
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