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please have a look at the transfer log


why was commision charged when i transferred gold to someone but not when someone else transferred gold to me??
The person who transferred you also was charged with the comission, but just wasnt put in your log. Try checking his.
When you transfer gold, the commission is taken from your pocket.
When someone else transfers you gold, it is taken from their pocket.

Therefore, when other players transfer you gold, you do not see the commission in your log, you see it in theirs.
11-20-10 10:04: Transferred 500 Gold to princey, Commission charged: 5 : gift
11-19-10 10:29: Received 10000 Gold from Aprozeanu : loan for 1 month
11-19-10 10:29: Transferred 10000 Gold to princey, Commission charged: 100 :
loan for 1 month

commission charged, it deducts from that 10000 Gold or is it charged seperately?
why was commision charged when i transferred gold to someone but not when someone else transferred gold to me??

You transfered 500 gold he transfered you 505
i got it.
thanks to all.
closed by princey (2010-11-21 14:33:21)
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