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AuthorUnique Magic
The higher level you are, it seems like the less efficient a magic build becomes, and the more people turn to a might build. This is because while the damage you can do with magic increases linearly (e.g. 1 extra spellpower gives you a set amount of improved damage), the damage might parameters gives increases exponentially (e.g. 1 extra attack gives more damage because the army size becomes much bigger).

While at lower levels magic might have an advantage, quickly this advantage tapers off. I think this is wrong because it means that strategies become less unique and more stock, so something needs to be done to improve magic at higher levels to counter this effect, to give constant variety in game play.

This is why I think we should have a unique magic school, available at, say, level 6 onwards, available only for individuals factions. These extra spells will make up for the growing might advantage, because the power of them will also rely on your racial level as well as your spellpower. The current magic schools will still be available for all factions, but each faction will also have their unique magic school to buff up their strategies, and the more spells you can use increases as you level up. These magic schools should reflect the faction’s attributes, and build on them.

My suggestions and details of each of these unique magic schools are below.

Necromancer- Necromancy
Spells focus around increasingly powerful variations of Raise Dead, such as Mass Raise Dead, or the ability to raise and “zombify” stacks that aren’t your own. All spells cost a lot of mana.

Knight- Chivalry
Primarily focuses around improving parameters of stacks, with spells similar to Bless but that give different types of bonuses, such as to morale or luck.

Wizard- Sorcery
Unique attacking spells, with a wide variety of effects, like a fire spell which inflicts burning, or an earth spell that traps a stack.

Elf- Forest Magic
A mixture of mass weak attacking spells and mass positive effects spells. Most attacking spells knock enemies back on ATB bar, and positive effects spells move allies forward.

Dark Elf- Blood Magic
Purely offensive spells, and each direct damage spell also gives an additional negative effect. These negative effects build up the more spells are cast.

Demon- Hellfire
Some damaging spells, but most of them revolve around summoning more troops into the battle. These troops will constantly drain the hero’s mana every turn they are in battle, and the more powerful or the numerous they are, the faster they drain mana. They are dismissed as soon the hero is out of mana.

Barbarian- Religion
Although barbarians don’t have any magic, to keep the factions balanced, they also get a unique school- religion. Barbarians can set this before the battle, and it acts similar to wizard’s mini-arts in that different tiers can be given different bonuses. The higher the faction skill, the more religions every tier can worship, and the more bonuses that tier has. Religion doesn’t use any mana.

I know that it would take time to balance these new magic schools properly, but I do think that they are needed to reinforce an important aspect of the game which fades at higher levels. Looking on the high score chart, 99% of them don’t use any magic at all in PvP, and I think that these unique magic schools are needed to balance that out.

I’d appreciate any comments.
The reason why people aren't using so much magic on later levels, is because of it's not so useful in hunts, thieving and so on...
Also, you can manage well in survival tournament without spells and well in PvP, with magic you can play mostly PvP.
There's no reason to give new abilities for any factions, everyone can play as they want. If elf wants to play might, it's his decision and so it is if an elf decides to use teleport and holy magic spells over all.

For example, I did choose to play as Magic-DE. I can't say it'd be so much more better than might-build in PvP and it's quite poor in PvE, artifacts cost more... But I'm happy as it is, it gives me strange satisfaction to see when half of elf's EFKs die with one lightning-spell :)
You may think that this will produce more unique strategies, but this will actually force factions to play only one way.

Necros will be forced to relay on raising
Knight on holly magic
Wiz on chaos magic
Elf will maybe have the biggest freedom to choose
DE chaos magic
Demon will be weird, with high knowledge, but playing as might
And Barb will always be might.

What if someone wants to play different kind of magic build, like darkness necro, or darkness knight, or holly wiz. And maybe might builds will become too weak.

Besides, high levels received new spells, so they are already using magic builds a little bit more.

And as Penguin the Maniac :) said it's quite poor in PvE, artifacts cost more
3: The old spells would still be available, and unchanged, so no one is being forced to rely on anything, everyone will just have an option not to rely on just might. It will have to be properly balanced, of course, but right now it isn't balanced so this is just a suggestion to make it more balanced.

I am caught between this one
It is good in some areas and bad in others
If you add, for example, your Necromancy to Necros, it will make more sense for them to choose nature spells and nature talents because it will make raising dead more powerful. It will force them to play that way because it will be the most powerful build.

Same goes for Knights, Wiz and DE. They will be forced to play that way because it will be more effective with new powers. And I'm not talking just about choosing between magic or might. There are different types of magic users, but with new powers (that will actually improve the old ones) there will be only one type per faction.
Hiiya .. :) I agree with unique magic .. :) Each faction has unique talent, and now they must have unique magic .. :)
6: Using your example: When necromancers reach high levels (i know, i've played as a necromancer before) even if they want to keep continuing as a magic build, then they quickly lack attack and defence because all of their points go on to knowledge or spell power. As well as that, loads of other factions gain the spell "raise dead", meaning necromancers lose just about all uniqueness, and they are forced into changing to a might build to keep up with other factions.

What unique magic will do is allow factions to continue with a magic build, if they want to, without suffering the disadvantages, while still a might build is available. That's why i think it is a good idea, because it will mean players can choose whatever build they want, without being forced to change it as a certain build becomes out dated.
It depends on the magic. Neary all high level knight in PvP have some magic for mass evasion, mass chastise and mass stoneskin? Nearly all elves in hunts have some magic for phantoms.

I'd suggest upping the damage of damage spells so that it's not a completely linear progression, as you do see less and less damage spell build later on. The new level 4 spells may change that anyway.
Hmm I think with new spells will be more interesting .. :)

I know that it would take time to balance these new magic schools properly, but I do think that they are needed to reinforce an important aspect of the game which fades at higher levels. Looking on the high score chart, 99% of them don’t use any magic at all in PvP, and I think that these unique magic schools are needed to balance that out.

At higher levels there are a lot of magic players :)

the problem here is that magic build for most of races is needed only in pvp and couse of few players active on server most of player grow up with neutral fights so they prefer might build :P
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