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AuthorDonation In The Clan
what is the maximum price, when your clan mates will donate some gold in the gold?
3.15.3. Weekly clan taxes mustn't exceed 300*[character combat level] gold. The maximal term for advance payment is 1 month, it is illegal to prepay and to collect taxes for longer periods.

I assume that's what you're asking about?
3.15. (...) Presents must not exceed 10,000 gold * [Combat level of the grantor] + 250 * [Diamonds obtained by the grantor through donations] per month. (...)

Any player may give presents worth that much in any one month. If the player decides to donate everything to the clan, he or she will not be able to make any more presents.

3.9. Additional characters created for any kind of support to the main one ("multichars" later on), (e.g. resource and artifact keeping, trading, assists in combat or enrollment) are forbidden. All multichars found will be banned, and the owner will be subject to penalty.
for Agelage:
In Our Clan, No tax ^^

for Arctic:

Presents must not exceed 10,000 gold
so it means 10,000 gold is the maximum price? when you donate in the clan?

If the player decides to donate everything to the clan, he or she will not be able to make any more presents.

How About If He/she donate 20000g in the clan?
is it ok?
according to the written above...

If the player decides to donate everything to the clan
so it means, he or she can donate all his or her gold, if he wanted..
but of course the gold he or she donated will be use in the clan for rewards in clan events soon ???
Presents must not exceed 10,000 gold * [Combat level of the grantor] + 250 * [Diamonds obtained by the grantor through donations] per month.

They study multiplication in school. You'll come to that ;)
10000 (times) combat level of the character who makes the present per month.

If the player decides to donate everything to the clan, he or she will not be able to make any more presents.
Here I meant not all the property the player has, but this maximum - 10000 gold (times) level. A player may choose to donate the whole of that maximum to clan, or a part of it. But that is the maximum any player can donate to anyone every month.
You (Blue-Boy) is combatlevel 9. This means that you can donate 10'000*9 +250*(Diamonds bought with real money) gold each month in total.

So, you could donate a total of 90'000 gold each month. Some could go to your friend, some could go to the clan, some could go to me because I'm pretty...
Or, you could just donate the whole chunk to the clan.
They study multiplication in school. You'll come to that ;)

Here I meant not all the property the player has, but this maximum - 10000 gold (times) level.
hmmmm ok :D

last questions pls ^^ hope you iwll answer it arctic, i just sometimes make questions here, i'm not so active here in forum, hope you will consider me =|
Presents must not exceed 10,000 gold * [Combat level of the grantor] + 250
i really can't get it...>.<
ok if he or she donated 90,000gold is it ok right?
10,000gold is the maximum x
[Combat level of the grantor] i am a combat level 9 or?? his combat leveL??

so 90,000g???
he or she can donate 90,000g right???
+ 250 * [Diamonds obtained by the grantor through donations] per month.
what is this??
i can't get it???
sorry if i'm so over questionable..i don't want to be blocked =.=
i need to handle the clan , without me, our clan will be doom =*(
#510 The Witchers
for Agelage:
oh thanks, for the example ^^ now i got it...

some could go to me because I'm pretty...
sure :D
Hmm, yeah, the diamond-part is a little confusing, I agree. Forget about the diamonds and just use 10000*CL. ;)
for Agelage:
yeah ^^ thanks again same to Arctic ...
closed by Arctic (2010-11-13 04:38:10)
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