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hey some days back we were given an option to vote between dwarves and venomancers

maximum voted for venomancers
so will there ever be dwarves attack?
or our chance to experience is gone?
probs there will be but no one knows
The regular army guards on the border have yet to report back. The lords who fought the venomancers are too busy celebrating and getting drunk. :)
so now again we have to wait for 2 years for the dwarf attack until lords are celebrating? :P
dwarf has came on russian server when will it come on our server?

only time will tell
we also want dwarves they rock
i played in heroeswm
i am level 3 at that server cant read russian just translate some pages not fun if we cant chat in battle
dont know much abt dwarf but good to see them in our server today
Party at diorite table anyone?
not fun if we cant chat in battle

ya...it is a flash content....download a flash content translator...u can translate it too...
can u give me link?
no name can u give me link to flash translator?
I would rather not spread links to software through forum. Try writing flash translator into google. Something should pop out. Or sort this out through pm.
I heard the 'other side' had like 20k people online today after the Dwarf where introduced. With so many of them having accounts here, I believe there wold be a huge jump in active players here once/if Dwarf faction is introduced here too. :)
Conversations about .ru should be held in respective topic.
The Administration does not reveal how soon the dwarves will be here.
You would expect players to have even lesser idea about that ;)
Any further discussion in this topic is both pointless and malposed. Locked.
closed by Arctic (2010-11-16 04:50:38)
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