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in mg battle when i have to save shrews from barb army i god15 shrew to save standing in corner
24 rocks this time in front so i didnt covered shrews for a turn and they ran in front of 25 wolf raiders and all dead.
it is not fair shrews should not move till some 1 come in their range
You should try to wall them in, to prevent them from running forward.
friend u should hide shrew with some creatures...

when some creatures comes in range, then move out from shrews way...
it will atk and comes back to same place:)
This battle might help you.
i can hide them but what about rocks they will kill my creature + many ogres after that once i move to kill wolf or take retail they go in ogres range and then die
soccer i have won many no prob in starting 5 -6 when too less rocks andwolf and ogresbut when there r 250 wolf raiders and 24 rocks and many ogres then it is prob
yeah ... soccer_10 battle is a good example...
For great_barb

Take a look at this battle from Whirlee[8] vs Vanguard of Barbarians {7}

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