My sister has been banned for password transfer to me ?
But I never get her details - we simply playing from the same computer. No every one is rich enough to have 2 decks.
10-10-10 09:28: Player blocked. // extrachar Ahnazar [14]/password transfer
She had description in her Profile, as I have one. Saying that we're family.
She didn't need transfer to me passwords - it's probably remembered in the system, but I never used her Character. I was proud and happy when she was sharing my hobby.
Please unblock her.
Someone named Lexa add her version:
She didn't need transfer to me passwords
it`s not true, for example
10-10 08:45:26
09-10 18:29:29
Please explain me, what those numbers mean?
Because if you think I was born yesterday...
And If you trying to say, that my sister would send me her password - if I could log to her account ( witch I never done ) - but I could, cause WE WERE USING SAME COMPUTER lol- so you suggest that I'm an idiot, right?
And those numbers, doesn't mean anything - if you can not proof as posting Print screens - you shouldn't be a moderator. If you giving bans as you like, with out a proof. It's against the low. You broke the rules not her. You should be ashamed. Very bad. [Player banned by moderator DragonFlayer until 2010-10-11 17:42:42 // forum rule 2.7... warning...] |