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AuthorNeed answers and reactions!
why was I banned from chat? I never asked for a ban by my own will!!

Also when does it expire?

Chat: Player banned by moderator ipslne (BOW (technically)) until 01-19-38 03:14.

Ask ipslne?
She is ignoring my I guess!
I sent her 2 messages... but she never replied! and answer me second question plz!
until 01-19-38 03:14
It expires Jan 19, 2038.

for coolahed:
Player banned by moderator ipslne (BOW (technically)) until 01-19-38 03:14.
How exactly did you manage to do that ?
OK then I request an unban because I never asked for a BOW and I can prove it ( I have the chat history)

UNLESS moderators ban randomly to get the salary;)
I never asked for a BOW... the point is, even if you ask for a BOW even then the Moderators cant ban you .... as per the new rules... BOW is no longer an option.... thats why i was wondering How exactly did you manage to do that ?
It expires Jan 19, 2038.

Oh, do not worry, time passes fast!... If you leave your account as inheritance, I believe your grand-grand-children will be able to chat again ;-)
If you leave your account as inheritance, I believe your account would be BLOCKED... lol.. its true... you may spend 4-5 years working towards a TGI... your children cant inherit your character... it will fall under password transfer... resulting in immediate block ...lol
there is reading word technically so you probably did something so smart that its same result as you would ask bow
Jan 19, 2038.

i wonder this server can hold more than 5 years or not :)

LOL at the bow ban
BOW is no longer an option
That's Block by Own Will

Ban by Own Will was never mentioned. Also this is entirely for the convenience of the admins, so hordes of players don't keep requesting BOW and un-BOW.

for coolahed:
Just wait for ipslne's response.
you might did something 'smart' inside the chat room so she 'gift' you BOW
I just want unban... mods cannot ban me just because I said something that may have indicated that I wanted BOW but I did not mean it like that and ban for that long is really unesscariy...

I request unban! moderators pleaase unban me for that uncertain ban which I really think was not generated from a mod doing his job but rather from a mod using his powers for his own personal benefit!
3:07:10 [coolahed][*]: hiya
3:08:06 [coolahed][*]: this is a dead feature...
3:08:17 [coolahed][*]: im not goin to come here at all
3:08:34 [coolahed][*]: nobody talks to me...
3:09:45 [coolahed][*] to Kitaira: bye idiot
3:09:57 [coolahed][*] to Kitaira: i hate u 2
3:11:32 [coolahed][*] to Dan-Panic: why do you hate me??
3:11:38 [coolahed][*] to Dan-Panic: do you even know me
3:11:50 [Dan-Panic][*] to coolahed: I dont
3:12:06 [coolahed][*] to Dan-Panic: then wny do you hate me??

(...) = Irrelevant chatter.

coolahed has a record of previous bans, and therefore should be aware of the chat rules. He would have gotten less of a ban had he not expressed his unwillingness to use chat altogether.

If there is a problem he can take it up with Secretary.
u did not show the full chat! he ALSO insulted me...

04:06 [Mishakal] to Dan-Panic: ips i dont care
3:04:06 [ipslne] to Dan-Panic: Hey you can help me with hunts now o_o;
3:04:13 [ipslne] to Dan-Panic: I'll need it until I get my set enchanted.
3:04:21 [ipslne] to Dan-Panic: 5 more enchants left. It'll take a few weeks yet lol
3:04:32 [Dan-Panic] to ipslne: finally you have reached level 12
3:04:40 [Dan-Panic] to ipslne: took you more then a decade
3:04:50 [Cambri] to ipslne: i have never cared what i say or to who i say it to
3:04:54 [Cambri] to ipslne: dp can confirm that
3:05:18 [Dan-Panic] to Cambri: already did
3:05:23 [ipslne] to Cambri: That's fine. As long as you're willing to accept the consequences.
3:07:03 [Mishakal] to Dan-Panic: :( no one helped
3:07:10 [coolahed]: hiya
3:08:06 [coolahed]: this is a dead feature...
3:08:07 [Mishakal] to Dan-Panic: still no ambsuh :(
3:08:10 [Mishakal] to Dan-Panic: its all ur fault
3:08:17 [coolahed]: im not goin to come here at all
3:08:34 [coolahed]: nobody talks to me...
3:09:20 [Kitaira]: thats cause no one likes u
3:09:22 [Dan-Panic] to Mishakal: sure
3:09:45 [coolahed] to Kitaira: bye idiot
3:09:48 [Mishakal] to Dan-Panic: if ambush doesnt happen soon wanna play a game of cards/
3:09:57 [coolahed] to Kitaira: i hate u 2
3:10:17 [Dan-Panic] to Mishakal: nope, Im going to sleep in about 5 minutes....
3:10:28 [Mishakal] to Dan-Panic: u sleep to much
3:10:46 [Dan-Panic] to Mishakal: Im sick, should understand that
3:10:55 [Kitaira] to Dan-Panic: u know i prob should lvl this char more
3:11:09 [Dan-Panic] to Kitaira: lol
3:11:11 [Kitaira] to Dan-Panic: even wen ur not sick u sleep to much lol
3:11:21 [Dan-Panic] to Kitaira: yourt choice
3:11:32 [coolahed] to Dan-Panic: why do you hate me??
3:11:38 [coolahed] to Dan-Panic: do you even know me
3:11:45 [Dan-Panic] to Kitaira: youre right, 6 hours a day is too much
3:11:50 [Dan-Panic] to coolahed: I dont
3:11:50 [Kitaira] to Dan-Panic: lol
3:12:06 [coolahed] to Dan-Panic: then wny do you hate me??
3:12:10 [Kitaira] to Dan-Panic: dam right 4 hours is good tho
3:12:12 [Dan-Panic] to coolahed: I dont hate you either
3:12:23 [Dan-Panic] to Kitaira: you're sick
3:12:52 [coolahed] to Dan-Panic: ...
3:12:55 [coolahed] to Dan-Panic: bye...
3:13:10 [Mishakal] to Dan-Panic: finaly got ambush but i think im gonna lose
3:13:15 [Dan-Panic] to coolahed: bye
3:13:59 [coolahed] to Dan-Panic: ...
3:14:20 [coolahed]: hi all...
3:15:04 [Dan-Panic] to coolahed: hi
3:15:53 [coolahed] to Dan-Panic: how's it goin ( lets try this again shall we? bare with me)
3:16:43 [Dan-Panic] to coolahed: sorry mate, but I gotta go :S
3:16:53 [Dan-Panic]: bye all
3:17:02 [coolahed] to Dan-Panic: bye
3:18:49 [Mishakal] to Dan-Panic: yay i won
3:18:57 [Mishakal] to Dan-Panic: bye dp
3:20:37 [!Chat_Moderator]private to coolahed: You are banned. Reason: BOW (technically)
3:20:46 [ipslne] to coolahed: Bye.
if you wanna ban you should ban for 1 or 2 days not for 38 years!!!!!!!

ban me for insult not for BOW!

you are unfair and unjust and naive moderator...
I saw that. Kitaira's message was not specifically directed at you. Once again, you have a record of being hostile in chat.

I have decided that people have a certain number of chances before they lose their chat privileges altogether. You have an extensive ban record... enough that you should know not to participate in arguments, especially petty name-calling.

I was considering a ban for a month or two, but you seemed disrespectful enough of everyone else in chat to discredit the feature... which many players are still glad to have. Obviously, you were fond of it as well. Otherwise I assume you wouldn't be arguing this so much.

We don't need people thinking that because the server is dying that the Inquiry Room can become a cesspool. The room must remain relatively clean and friendly in order to create a good impression for new players who come in to ask questions. If we do not encourage and help them, the game loses user-base and volume. Granted it can't really hurt much more... but I'd rather this server NOT get shut down. In fact I am fairly happy with it in its stagnant state. That is not to say, however, that updates wouldn't be welcome. I would just rather keep things from getting worse and I do what I can.

And with that, I reserve the right to ban people indefinitely if it appears they will never learn from their past mistakes. Everyone who disagrees with this may feel free to file a complaint. If enough people do maybe you'll get the Admins' attention. Until then, deal with it. If you don't want to follow the chat rules you don't deserve to be there.
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