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how tavern tournaments u l have to pay some entry fee n join
and it would be great if chess game app. is available in lords
some stake on the game just like we play in tavern
what do u say guys!
what do u say guys!
I say...that the chess game is suggested before. And it depends on which chess game you want... english? Chinese? Japanese?
tavern tournaments u l have to pay some entry fee n join
I see. So you want tournaments, like survival tournaments, but this time for card games. Well, did you know that YOU can create custom card tournaments? All by yourself? 3.22. Any custom combat tournaments with a prize reward and/or a participation fee are forbidden.
Custom card game tournaments are allowed.
Therefore, feel free to create custom card tournaments. Since the rule does not states whether a prize reward and/or a participation fee is allowed or not (one can argue both ways), please make it without rewards or participation fees though. Or I suppose that takes away the fact that you want have to pay some entry fee n join. Well, considering you said that 'I' - emphasis on 'I' have to pay some entry fee n join, feel free to create one, then send x gold to empire. Or me. Preferably the latter. And less than 30% of your wealth.
@Niranjan: Ideas and Suggestions don't get you rewards; there's no need to create as many new threads as you can. Also, please read through the previous threads before posting again.
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