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Author4x10% composite bow & mithril sword (nearly new)
I have put the following two items on the market today:

Composite bow [I10E10A10W10] • 45/55 dur
Mithril longsword [E10A10W10F10] • 45/70 dur

as these do not sell frequently and I do not know a reasonable market price I have put both on auction for 3 days starting at only 150k gold!

This way they are available to all and the market will set the correct price.

Good Luck!
#1833004 - Composite bow [I10E10A10W10] Durability: 45/55 • current bid: 150k
#1833006 - Mithril longsword [E10A10W10F10] Durability: 45/70 • current bid 151.5k

Your chance for a bargain? They have to be worth a LOT more than this?
#1833004 - Composite bow [I10E10A10W10] Durability: 45/55 • current bid: 150k
#1833006 - Mithril longsword [E10A10W10F10] Durability: 45/70 • current bid 204k
#1833004 - Composite bow [I10E10A10W10] Durability: 45/55 • current bid: 206k
#1833006 - Mithril longsword [E10A10W10F10] Durability: 45/70 • current bid 254k

1 day 17 hours 30 mins to go
no changes. Still remarkably cheap for 4x10% enchanted weapons. Dont miss out.
They are sold long ago you know...
bump it baby
Lock it...
force it
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