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Author[Repair] 60% efficiency for only 45% of repair cost
60% efficiency for only 45% of repair cost!

Did you know that it is ALWAYS worth to repair NEW artifacts if you do repairs at the smith, which offfers 60% efficiency for 45% of repair cost?
(the proof is below, in the 3rd post)

That means:
- you should never sell out artifacts in your inventory - always repair at least several times before you buy new!


Sword of might
Repairing cost: 11760
I will repair it for only 11760*0.45 = 5292 gold
(up to 60% durability, for example, from 0/80 to 48/79)

If you want to know original Repairing cost of any other items just click on the picture of that item here:
(or click on the name of artifact in your inventory)

[Hunter items]
Repairing cost: 400
I will repair it for only 400*0.45 = 180 gold
(up to 60% durability, for example, from 0/10 to 6/9)

[Master hunter items]
Repairing cost: 800
I will repair it for only 800*0.45 = 360 gold
(up to 60% durability, for example, from 0/10 to 6/9)

[Great hunter items]
Repairing cost: 1200
I will repair it for only 1200*0.45 = 540 gold
(up to 60% durability, for example, from 0/10 to 6/9)
Always send me items this way:

Transfer the payment for repair (45% of repair price) +1 gold for transfer

Transfer item with recall in:
1 gold, 0.01 days, 0 combats, allow repair
(don't forget to allow repair)

I repeat again: 0.01 days, not 1 day ant not 0.1 days!
(0.01 days = 14 min)

Then you can withdraw the item yourself (after 14 min since I start repair).
While in blacksmith you can't take your item back, but when repair is finished you will be able to take it back yourself (I don't need to be online for that).

But the main reason of this is not for you, it's for me.
I have more than 40 items in my inventory and it is hard to find "not mine" items for returning.
After the time limit I can see red text on that item, so it is easy to find it for returning back.

And never send me item this way:
Transfer to receiver's disposal
(I don't need gifts)

Some additional info:

The exact formulas (for repair cost and time) are these:

Inventory prices (for durability 0/x, when new item has n/n and x<n):
Here I will give you a proof that you should always repair your artifacts at least several times before you buy a new one (if you repair it at the smith who has 60% efficiency and takes only 45% of repair cost).

Let's say you have Sword of might 0/80 and want to know whether you should sell it in your inventory or buy new instead.

Let's calculate.

Wood = 183
Ore = 184
Mercury = 368
Sulfur = 369
Crystal = 369
Gem = 369

The price of new Sword of might 80/80:
Sword_of_might = 20400+16*Ore+17*Mercury = 29600

Notice that the price listed in Artifact shop is different:
15000+10*Mercury+10*Sulfur+10*Crystal+10*Gem = 29750

Those prices are the same if we take estimated resources cost (Wood, Ore = 180; Mercury, Sulfur, Crystal, Gem = 360):
20400+16*180+17*360 = 29400
15000+10*360+10*360+10*360+10*360 = 29400

The price of new Sword of might 0/80 in your inventory:
Sword_of_might_inv = 10470+6*Mercury+6*Sulfur+6*Crystal+6*Gem = 19320
Mercury, Sulfur, Crystal and Gem number for 0/80 = floor(10*0.65) = 6
Gold quantity for 0/80 = (15000+10*360+10*360+10*360+10*360)*0.65 - (6*360+6*360+6*360+6*360) = 10470
There is a table for sell out prices of all items (by Arctic):

So, the cost per battle of new Sword of might 80/80:
(Sword_of_might - Sword_of_might_inv)/80 = (29600-19320)/80 = 128.5

Similarly we can calculate the actual price of Sword of might 0/79 (in inventory):
Sword_of_might_inv = 10231+6*Mercury+6*Sulfur+6*Crystal+6*Gem = 19081
Mercury, Sulfur, Crystal and Gem number for 0/79 = floor(10*0.65*79/80) = floor(6.41875) = 6
Gold quantity for 0/79 = (15000+10*360+10*360+10*360+10*360)*0.65*79/80 - (6*360+6*360+6*360+6*360) = 10231.125

Now let's calculate the cost per battle if you do one repair (at the smith 60% for 45% of repair cost).

If I repair your Sword of might 0/80 then it will become 48/79, i.e. it will give you 48 battles.
Repairing cost = 11760
But I repair for = 11760*0.45 = 5292
Difference of inventory sell out prices for 0/80 and 0/79 = 19320-19081 = 239

So, you have two options:

1) Sell out your Sword of might 0/80 in inventory and buy new Sword of might 80/80
It will cost you: 128.5 gold per battle

2) If you repair Sword of might 0/80 in my blacksmith (at 60% efficiency for 45% cost) then you will pay 5292+239 = 5531 gold and have 48 additional battles, so the cost per battle in this case is
5531/48 = 115.23 < 128.5

It means this:
- if you never repair your Sword of Might if will cost you 128.5 gold per battle
- if you repair it once (at 60% efficiency for 45% cost) then it will cost you only 115.23 gold per battle, which means that you must repair at least once!
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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