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Authorbug with starting mana in battles.
Hello, i've started a secondary acc, a lvl 2 wizard mainly to try and see if i can get top hunter scores.

But i check my mana before the battle is 20 when i start the battle is lower.

Character name = Vilexica:
Combat log: (complete combat log, u can check it also)
- 14 mana (3h between battles)
08-02-10 13:19: Vilexica[2] vs Hobgoblins (71) https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=491285966
-16 mana (50 min between battles)
08-02-10 11:18: Vilexica[2] vs Hobgoblins (54) https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=491283470
-normal mana
08-02-10 10:28: Vilexica[2] vs Gremlins (42)
08-01-10 23:22: Vilexica[2] vs Imps (71)
08-01-10 14:10: Vilexica[2] vs Hobgoblins (42)
-17 mana (more then 1 day between battles)
07-31-10 13:17: Vilexica[2] vs Lizard cubs (19) https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4675945
-normal mana
07-30-10 10:47: Vilexica[2] vs Gremlin engineers (19)

expecting an answer, maybe explanation with what can i do to fix this.
My alternate is also a wizard, when I was level 1, 2, and 3 it did this to me all the time. My mana at the top would say 20 but my mana on my character page would say 8/10 or 18/20, finally when I reached level 4 it went away, not sure why. I had to keep refreshing my character page until it said it was full. Then I started the combat.
I found the same thing as a low level wizard. I vaguely remember asking the same sort of thing at some point.

I think it is because the little animations are not fully accurate. At a guess they round up on the exact number when you go to battle, while in combat it rounds down, causing a discrepency. At least this is the answer I was given - though of course this does not answer why it is only prevalent at low levels. If I had only 10 mana now, it would not cause the same effect.
in combat there is no mana animation it's just plain text "mana 16/20"
with over 1 day in between battles, it should be at full value.

The really annoying part is that it always shows full mana and when i join the battle i get a surprise, at least i would like to get the real reading before the battle so i can reject if the mana gap is important.
[Post deleted by moderator DragonFlayer // english only...]
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