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When I started the game I remember a TGI was around 400K-500K in the market, which is a lot. But the other day I saw that prices now are nearly above 1000K! Why is this? Is there no other way to get it? (apart from diamonds)

Only 2 ways to get TGI: gold or diamond (TG).

Gold price: Supply and demand; price has always fluctuated.
[Post deleted by moderator Straws // ]
[Player banned by moderator Straws until 2010-07-21 07:32:38 // Foul language, relapse.]
It will be raising becaouse of many reasons.

One of them is accting this way:

07-15-10 11:24: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to rajeshthiag . Transaction price: 1 Gold

Player rajeshthiag will be blocked for sure. This way our comunity lost one more TGI.
yeah the price is rising but... nobody will buy it for a million gold so, it will have to go down.
Sorry for double post, but i have one more importent thing to say.

To all players who posess TGI for sale.

I kindly ask you don not sell it to players who got their gold in illegal ways. In this particular case player have many multis. From each he got 140 -150k gold. This way he could afford to buy TGI. This kind of acting raise the price of TGI (that's ok for sellers) but it is really unfair for players who are trying to get their own TGI in legal way. Please appreciate their affords and dont make deal with cheaters.

Thank you.
From each he got 140 -150k gold. This way he could afford to buy TGI.

and not just that. also, that player will get blocked and a TGI will be lost
Because of these kind of cheaters prices for rare arts and elements also get higher.
message to everybody:

if you ever get Diamonds, don't exchange them for gold.

80 diamonds = a TGI and a TGI costs almost a million on the market

if you trade 80 diamonds for gold, u get only 200k. 80*2500=200,000

sorry for double post, but i think this has to be in General game Forum. not in Q&H
sorry for double post, but i think this has to be in General game Forum. not in Q&H

The main post was a question: Is there no other way to get it? (apart from diamonds)
The main post was a question: Is there no other way to get it? (apart from diamonds)
But the other day I saw that prices now are nearly above 1000K! Why is this?
80 diamonds = a TGI and a TGI costs almost a million on the market

Wrong. 80 diamons will only give you entry in the TG. You will only get one, with TG5 (like anybody else).
Also I kindly ask all TGI possessors not to sell it to someone who have TG points. They buy it just to sell it to someone else at higher price.This will create a bigger rise in TGI cost resulting in lesser demand for TGI and a loss to you . Also you can get much more profit by directly selling it to players. It will be a great encouragement to TGI racers like me. Also I request TGi racers to TRY not to buy from such players who bought a TGI from another thief.
+1 to vishnus. I've been contacted by someone wanting my TGI real bad. We couldn't agree on price and I finally discovered that he was already a thief... He found it elsewhere, and just made an extra 30K out of a gullible player.

It's hard enough to enter thieves' guild without trying to rob each other over invitations. But as Arghmage said, paying diamonds will grant you entrance to thieves' guild without an invitation. You will become a thief, you won't get a TGI you can sell on market.
for Ghost_Face:
you don't get a TGI, you get entry into the thieves guild (i think)
for Arghmage:
for misself:

Ah ok, i see
I used to remember when the TGI's costed close around 200,000
TGI's costed close around 200,000

yeah but the admins couldn't make money off of us. now, u don't have much of a choice, u have to use diamonds to buy a TGI.

it's like, if the Gas prices trippled, i don't think people would just start walking. no they would buy the overpriced Gasoline and the government would be making huge money off of them
for Malz:
Then you remembered wrong.
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