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i noticed others have photo albums. i cant figure out how to put my pictures on here. any help?
you need to be at least combat lev3 to create a photo album
but then how do you do it?
on your character page on the right go down youll see the word your photos and click it then you can put any picture you want
thank you for your help guys
oh and another thing... what is the absolute most that can be shown as far as in pictures... like i know it say no pornography but...what else?
» Take to consideration that you may only upload pictures of .jpg format.
» The size of your picture mustn`t exceed 3 MB.
» Keep in mind that hosting pornography, drug propaganda and other prohibited materials will lead to permanent block of your character.
» Pictures wider than 900 pixels are resized automatically for comfortable viewing. Aspect ratio is preserved.
so if im in a bikini its ok?
ofcourse, as long as you don't take it off
you should keep in mind that you are here to kill...or be killed defending our Empire!

so if you'd have a choice between a bikini and a steel helmet, i'd go for the helmet first!... (^_-)
i dont know...the bikini might distract them enough to kill em
you should also keep in mind that staged combats are not allowed! you have won many duels against a player two levels higher than you. i doubt that your bikini could distract him soo much that you rightfully and justly won those duels!
Both you and your combat friend(s) should read and get acquainted with the rules: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=5 before both of you get in trouble!

These are serious, so try not to distract him with your bikini until he fully assimilates the rules!
I wouldn't worry too much about the album. You and the 5 burninheck multi's are likely to be fined/blocked for multiple staged combats, undeclared multi's, and illegal transfers. You should find yourself another battle partner and get familiar with the rules.
im sorry goodforlove told me about this forum after she got scared from your messages. i didnt read the rules thuroughly (i dont with any games) and i didnt know those transfers were illegal or that i couldnt do that for my friend. isnt there a way i can correct these mistakes?
[Player banned by moderator Slynky until 2010-07-15 21:24:46 // Posting with multi - warning]
First and foremost: Read the rules. Thoroughly!: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=5

1. Unsigned char:
You are allowed a total of 3 chars: one main and 2 extras.
On each of those three you write at the head of profile which is main and which extras.
You do that after you select 3 of your 5 chars, and you abandon the other 2 (should write on their profile which is main, and that you've abandoned it)

2. Illegal transfers:
Return ALL ALL ALL ALL money you have transfered between ALL of your characters.

3. Staged combats:
Go into this thread on forum: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1885318 and say you didn't know staged combats were illegal (don't run into stories, just be short and informative).
Not reading the rules or not knowing is not an excuse. But you can at least hope for only a fine.

4. The most important part:
Start praying and hope for miracles!
PS: At point 2. above, you must return everything, not only gold, but also resources, artifacts, EVERYTHING you have transfered between your characters must be returned.

You still need to pray. At least 2 times... every day!
15 -

Since you've been playing for 18+ months, claiming ignorance of the rules is unlikely to help much. But the advice naviron offers is a good start.

From the transfer log of burninheck (your highest lvl and assumed main):

12-09-08 17:42: Registered. Faction: Demon.
thanks youve all been great ill do whatever i can including pray
sorry i read the post by multi ban too late
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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