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AuthorAgainst Thieves
i am just sick of thiefs...
they get so many benefits, it is not fair...
so i have decided that we too who are thieved should be given some benefits as stated below...

1. when somebody defeats a thief he should be rewarded with an art. it is very unfair that the thief waits with full arts and some poor hero who is not even ready has to battle with him.

2. there should be no durability loss( at least this should be done as a gold less hero with no money and just little durability left on his minimum AP arts get stalked, unfair :(

3. the thief gets almost 90% area of the battlefield to arrange his troops but the hero has so little space :( . the hero should be given chance to place his troops as he likes.

4. There should be atleast something to check thieving. This game is otherwise promoting thieves as if thieving is a good thing.

these suggesions came to my mind as hope somebody suggests more...

My reasons:

1. Military clans already protect you from many thieves (because you cannot ambush members of your own clan)

2. You can travel without ANY arts from now on = no durability loss

3. Most thieves return stolen gold if you ask nicely -- and if you weren't delaying turns, and being a jerk in the battle

4. When you defeat a loss your prize is xp and fsp (as with any other pvp type battle)

5. Thieving is another part of the game, another guild to enjoy. You should do it sometime...

I agree with Stu,nicely put.
yes you may be right but atleast point 3 should be done. it is otherwise very difficult(almost impossible) to defeat a high initiative hero like elves to defeat by a knight even if we wear the best of initiative arts!!!
it is very unfair that the thief waits with full arts and some poor hero who is not even ready has to battle with him.
Sometimes POOR thief fighting against full art anti-thief... And when they win they must get 2 point to TG ?

there should be no durability loss
Nonsense , it is a battle...

the thief gets almost 90% area of the battlefield to arrange his troops but the hero has so little space :( . the hero should be given chance to place his troops as he likes.
It is an ambush...

There should be atleast something to check thieving. This game is otherwise promoting thieves as if thieving is a good thing.
Small +...
4 should read "When you defeat a thief (not sure why I wrote loss, sorry)..."
for lightning_storm:

What do you think about this idea?
look it this

dont tell me i played a jerk, i know i did. Making the thief wait was the only option to take revenge!!

first was that i didnt knw that i was being stalked(AFK), second i missclicked the turn of my griffins. that is all. the elf defeated a knight in just 3 turns!!! i think this was not fair!! i am not sure which part but it is not fair!!
the elf defeated a knight in just 3 turns!!!
I saw elf killing mage in 1 turn by his EFK's...
knights and elves are good in duels atleast they give a fair vhallenge but something goes horribly wrong in ambushes...griffins are the worst!!! i ahte them!!! i mean they are beautiful but they are like a bottle of glass, fragile, just one hit and all gone ...
5. Thieving is another part of the game, another guild to enjoy. You should do it sometime...

It is hard to get a TGI most players cant afford of...so not all players can have fancy of thieving.
It is hard to get a TGI most players cant afford of...so not all players can have fancy of thieving.
so basically....just because you can't afford a TGI you want admins to re work the game mechanics? -_-

As for the idea, -1
The thief is ambushing you! You're supposed to be at a disadvantage.

It is hard to get a TGI most players cant afford of...so not all players can have fancy of thieving.
so basically....just because you can't afford a TGI you want admins to re work the game mechanics? -_-

It is not just me " i said most of the players" and secondly is this game is for the players to enjoy and have a fair play or something else?? I have seen this game mimicing most of the characters from the real and fantasy world where people like thieves dont prosper, then why in the game???
1. when somebody defeats a thief he should be rewarded with an art. it is very unfair that the thief waits with full arts and some poor hero who is not even ready has to battle with him.

can we reverse this for when thieves are ambushing minap and and get "ambushed" by a full art thief hunter, there are two sides to each line my friend
secondly is this game is for the players to enjoy and have a fair play or something else??
exactly :)
You make it seem like thieving is the only impotant thing in the game...
It's merely one of the many things that make LWM as addictive as it is :P

off topic, i'd like to say that just before the grand update (i.e when thief guild mechanics were reworked) i had more than enough saved up for renting a TGI. But ofcourse, when i came back online a few days later there was this annoying post made by Empire >.>
What I'm trying to say is, thieving is not all this game is about and i still enjoy it immensely :)

i am just sick of thiefs...
they get so many benefits, it is not fair...

and they paid a LOT for those benefits....maybe you should think a little about what they did to deserve the benefits first? :)
and they paid a LOT for those benefits....maybe you should think a little about what they did to deserve the benefits first? :)

all they do now is swipe their credit cards lol and the poorer mass sacrifice their sleep to enroll hour after hour :)
Catching thieves and beating them is actually much more efficient and easier for multiple reasons than thieving itself.

So be a man and stand up against them. Actually being knight is good advantage to resist most of their attacks.
PS: I dont know how recent is this change but talent "Tactics" give you a great wide place to set your troops now.
for lightning_storm:

Why the whine?!? While I may sympathize with your plight, there is an incredibly simple solution:

Whenever you travel, remove ALL your Artifacts and travel with only ONE troop like a lowly Farmer. No fuss, no muss! While you lose that battle, the thief loses durability on all his Artifacts and gains almost NO experience. So in a way, you actually win.
Look ...

i have nothing , i repeat : NOTHING against thieves , i even have a friend that is a thief ...

if you want not to loose your money just ask nicely and if the thief who DEFEATED you is willing to give it back to is earlier owner you will be happy , if not , just ignore it and live your life , its not fatal ...

and if you were thinking to tell me that you think " IT`S NOT FAIR FOR US THE THIEF TO HAVE SO BIG ADVANTAGE OVER HIS VICTIM " let me remind you that :

1. The thief is ambushing you , so he is well prepared ...

2.If you don`t like it , QUIT PLAYING , if not , DEAL WITH IT !!! , it`s nobodys fault you lost ... ( and i don`t mean the player named " nobody " )
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