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AuthorDARK ELF faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy
due to the fact that previous thread became outdated, a new DE faction topic is set up.

previous thread @ https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1881925
how to beat knight min arts at lev 8?
Lol! I am also wondering about the same thing. Xbow + holy magic = a hell of damage. They require just 7 points for holy talent and 8 for darkness talent while DARK elves also need 8 points for darkness ! Knights have enfeeble and fallen knight along with dominions while DEs just have dominions.And that too wierd combo. poison(need lots of SP) + disruption(no need off SP) as one. Also rally is somewhat a must for DEs at low lvls.
For 2: and 3:
- Try to kill griffins with lizards.
- With same %-percents shrews get 2x turn while xbows get 1. So by splitting them and with little of luck, you can reach them before they shoot (unless they're well-proteted).
- If Knight has SMs instead of xbows, try to keep some shrews alive, at least. Casting dis-ray on SMs may be useful too.
- With a one big stack of xbows, casting curse (even with 0.5 duration) can save many of your troops.

And for 3:

- Okay, Knights have buffs/debuffs those are easy and cheap, but you have empowered magic/chaos magic overall.
hey guys...i was just wondering...
i had an elf char back some days and in 3-4 level i could beat DE easily...
but now i'm a level 4 DE and i have won almost all of my duels with elfs...
why is that?
DE is powerful on lv3-4. Minotaurs are even stronger than SMs in many cases (expecially when they hit 1st).
By splitting rogues you can easily block elven bowmen, and stone spikes are borned to open FK-walls if there are.

what is Sms??

DE is powerful on lv3-4.

then why could i win from them with my other char??

and i just got to lvl 5, what talent is good??
but i was fighting a guy with 3 stacks of 31 x-bows it was reaaly hard i only killes like half of its army and what if i set my troops to one side and he to the other and i am a might DE bythe way
oh and sm stands for swordman
Also there are stones to block lizzy and griffin to stand in front of bows.Then there is monk which will guard x-bows and block any large creature.
how to beat knight min arts at lev 8?

Try this:

13/13/1 shrews
Tactics plus Morale talents, amulet of bravery
A bit of luck with morale (!! - fingers crossed eh?)
20 knowledge plus 3 SP

Might get you through before they even move...

Cast delay on c'bows for second chance.
One of the major mistake I made was this- cast delay on x-bows.Not much difference. You will still get only 2 turns for shrews and that too after monks turn without morale.One of the main tactics they use is when swords guarding bows die, they put griffins in front.They can also clear any shrew blocking x-bow. Even with tactics, you may be able to hit bow one time if correctly positioned.After that , griffins would block x-bows and protect them.At min art one can get 2 morale and luck or 3 morale.
Basic Offense/Basic Luck/(Bas. Leadership may work well in some cases too) (for might-DE)
can anyone like show me a sample of lev 8 DE vs knight lv 8 min arts?

ide like to see how the DE wins it
anyone for #14?
20 knowledge
u meant 20 mana right?? 20 knowledge would be 200 mana! i dont even think it is achievable right now...
Is a Dark-build DE good at level 11 in GB?
i know that people say that DEs suck at dueling at lvl 5....but i just wanted to know if i have got a chance with any of the factions and what should be my tactics, talent etc.

for manufc21999r: the simplest way is to use chaos magic to kill knights crossbows. But you will need potion of oblivion to do this in min OA
plz answer #18!!!!!!!
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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