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Author16th Survival Tournament Level 12
post here waves and score
good luck all!
Left - Right.........................................................Up - Down

1. 4 x 98 Gremlins
2. 2 x 98 Crossbowmen................................2 x 19 Royal griffins
3. 191 Gremlins - 101 Gorgoyles..............280 Imps - 308 Goblins
4. 34 Vampires - 16 Monks ........................24 Misstress - 12 Clerics
5. 2 x 21 Lorekeepers ..................................2 x 52 Orcs
6. 4 x 17 Magis
7. 30 Vampires - 359 Skeletons.................186 Gremlins - 7 Cyclops
8. 36 Wolf Raiders - 197 Imps.....................72 Incendaries - 5 Death envoys
9. 4 x 2 Black Dragons
10. 13 Nightmares - 13 Ladons....................118 Crossbowmen - 92 Poisoners
11. 16 Rocs - 147 Demons............................56 Apparitions - 87 Swordsmen
12. 4 x 9 Skeletal Dragons
13. 2 x 12 Nightmares......................................2 x 71 Guardians
14. 4 x 593 Gremlins
15. 2 x 128 Grandmaster Bowmen...............2 x 64 Misstress

First try score : 108659
2 more waves here:

16. 9 Angels, 215 Guardians .................... 39 Ladons, 184 Orcs
17. 2 x 269 Elite forest keepers ............... 2 x 185 Cerberi
please corect the waves they are incorect...

18. 8 Titans 1214 gremlins 8 Titans 1214 Gremlins
I died on the GMB wave. My score: 111646
Score 106300 on first try, Wave 15. Any Knights got passed the fatal 4-way of shooters yet?
with low arts i have beaten wave 11 and 20 skell dragon
result: 24000 experience and 2 Skill Points
so aleena any other waves? i dont think with elf i can pass wave 18 nor ill try
for Iseivija: i didn't have time to play in tour; tomorrow or thursday i'll play again...
Amount of attempts: 7 (3)
Highest score: (Knight) 122536
18. 154 vampires 10 Titans 154 vampires 10 Titans
sorry its waw 19 not 18

19. 154 vampires 10 Titans 154 vampires 10 Titans
127120 score, 2nd attempt.
closed by Brilliant (2010-07-04 19:10:10)
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