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AuthorBadges of awards for a victory over Small Tournament
It is strange, why at game there are badges of awards on page of the character for Tournament in a survival, mixed, hunting and so on, and for such prestigious tournament as Small - do not give cups. On Russian server badges of awards for a victory over small tournament are present. As on this server the given tournament is spent already second time, can enter sense these cups?
1st ur posting in wrong section,

2nd ur totaly wrong if u check my trophies u can clearly c badge for 1st minor tourny.

Be patient im sure u will get ur badge for 2nd minor tourny after empire distributes all prices.
badges from 2nd minor tournament are still not distributed, eventually they will come ......
Icons for Minor Tournament do exist, people winning the first Minor Tournament (ages ago...) have them listed in their achievements. My guess is that Awards will display when prize allocation will have been completed.
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