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AuthorLaborers guild
On .ru they have a 10 laborers guild.
What does it give, because it must increase the enrolling money very much (it's 100k laborer guild points needed)?
every second labour guild level gives you +1 defense so at level 10 i geuss you have +5 defense and also it must increase the enrolling money very much

but its really hard to earn on this server

according to the current list the highest is Brilliant with 11630 points so the admins can add that feature at leisure
(taken from http://www.guildofheroes.ru/lords.php?levelst=1&levelfin=14&sort=13&napr=1&subm it=search...&nick=)

( i still may not know if you get any added feature cause i never knew russian)
It's required about 20 years of playing so i think it should be high reward.
20 years of playing

What made you think it needs "20 years" xD do you mean Brilliant enrolled for twenty years? xD

The game has not even crossed 10 years, lmao.
LG guild table from Russian Server
0 0 1
1 90 1.2
2 180 1.5 +1 def
3 360 2
4 720 2.5 +1 def
5 1500 3
6 3000 3.5 +1 def
7 5000 4
8 8000 4.5 +1 def
9 12000 5
can i know where is LG 10?
good point... well may be they must not have taking the tecnicalities into account yet as it may be a feature they have not started using yet
thats the link to their exp tables no lvl 10 here but according to their top player he needs 82k points to lvl up in their lg

so it means that they have lvl 10 just its not yet updated
@Io-AKA-oI On russian there is 10 laborer level guild for 100000 points.
@Raistlin -||-
@ANTI-hacker I don't think they have to update the experience tables because this game propably won't exist after that many years.
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