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Is this possible to change the symbols of clans in top hunters back to symbols of factions?
The only page that does not show the faction icon is the "All Factions" with "All Levels" page, the rest all show faction as well as Military Clan Symbol if it applies to the player. And as far as I can tell the only options with getting ride of the MC symbol is for forum and group and duels battles pages only.
This stupid clan symbols are on the most important hunters page, very bad.
Actually, the clan icon does not replace the faction icon, that page never have them. If you look at other pages, there are both clan icon and faction icon, one before and another after.
u will get banned from forum for that...u cant insult any clan or anything related to the game :(
I don't insult any clan.
I'm almost sure that they were faction symbols there.
It has always been like this. Also, it wouldn't be relevant to show their faction since the record could've been made with another one.
It should be just the symbol of faction that the record was made not actual faction of player.
It's redundant since you can watch the battle and see anyway.
No, it's not possible to change it back, since it wasn't like that in the first place.

Yes, it's possible to change it to the way you want it.

No, that probably won't happen.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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