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AuthorTheif Invitation Question
Is it possible i buy theif invitation with 80 Diamonds.. and then sell it on market ? for like 500-600k ? I am lvl 4 btw.
You cannot buy TGI with diamonds. You can enter thieves guild with 80 diamonds and then after reaching TG level 5 you get a TGI you can sell on market.
:O Er.... So i wont get the invitaion ? Until i get TG lvl 5 ?
How long is the TGI ?
The effect of TGI states that it allows you to enter the thieves guild.
The effect of paying 80 diamonds is that you can enter the thieves guild.
You DO NOT get a TGI when you pay 80 diamonds, you only get entry to the thieves guild, as if you had gotten a TGI and used it.
Therefore you WILL NOT get any invitiation.
What Omega22 means is that when you reach level 5 of the thieves guild, you will get a free TGI. You can keep it for as long as you want, or sell it.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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