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AuthorArtifacts at the lowest prices!
I sell those artifacts cheapest on the market,if no left then pm me and i will fix more.
Only this for now,i will add more soon.
You can also pme me and i will send it to you for the prices below.

Leather Armour -1000 gold each
Luck Amulet -3000 gold each
Added mana tube 629 per 1
Amuelet of luck is for 2947g at the market and is this the cheapest rate?
for __bigbang__:
dindt know that,thx
i will lower the price by 50 gold each

Leather Armour -1000 gold each
Luck Amulet -2950 gold each
Mana tube -630 gold each
I think my bro changed the account and i dindt notice that
anyway,prices as above
closed by Lord Jiang_Wei (2010-05-25 22:11:09)
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