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   Forums-->Ideas and suggestions-->

Did you notice that there are not much events in lordwm other than Halloween, Christmas, New Year, Lordswm Anniversary/Birthday. Do you think admins should consider the idea to make more events otherwise more people will leave(if i am correct).

More and more survival tournaments are coming and they are getting kinda boring(for me). I suggest maybe admins should make more minor/mixed/blindfold tournaments other than always survival tournaments.I know alot of people already requested to have more different tournaments.

for Prankst3r:

many people have already suggested these stuff, unfortunately admin always finds a way to ignore these suggestions
nope, i've never seen that idea before. it's a good one! (:
i am happy we got the survival one..before that there was kind of nothing like an every week event
Why not something different??More events=more people
The way i see it the only people who complain about the survival tournaments are the ones who haven't been around long enough to have been here before them. And prankst3r, at your level, i'd be surprised if you've even done as many as 2 survival tournaments.. I didn't check though..
The way i see it the only people who complain about the survival tournaments are the ones who haven't been around long enough to have been here before them.

I tried them before on my previous main(abandoned).
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