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AuthorGB v's AI
I think it would be good if an new battle option was available in https://www.lordswm.com/group_wars.php

As well as the current GB type available, how about a new one "v's AI".

When this is selected you would choose between 2 to 3 players on team 1. Once team was full the system would automatically calculate an AI team to oppose you depending on levels, AP, etc of team 1.

The AI team could be of any or mixed factions and with or without hereos (whichever admins think best).

This would be an excellent opportunity for "teams" to practive their GB skills and would probably be specially useful for higher levels where it is not always easy to fill a 3v3 battle or during quiet server times?

What do you think?
This is one of the best way to train against Dwarves until they will come!

This could be a new tourny in this case.
One of the best idea i ever saw on forum :P

mixed group battled 3 players vs AI

group battles like dwarfs on .ru

(perhaps they could combine this with the introduction of some new guild)
+1 great idea :D
very nice idea
+1 great idea

When this is selected you would choose between 2 to 3 players on team 1. Once team was full the system would automatically calculate an AI team to oppose you depending on levels, AP, etc of team 1.
Would be great to train some new factions which we want to try.

perhaps they could combine this with the introduction of some new guild
A GB Guild? Seems very beneficial. Would be great to measure a player's ability to play in 3v3 or 2v2 combat.
I think something like a GB guild is also great idea. And e.g. we could gain 1% initiative per each second or third guild level (per each one is probably too much)... Just an idea...:)
+1 in any form just make it
+10 we might be able to get more exp with it also :P
nice,but you may also create a 1vs1 if you`d like to do it alone
#16 1vs1

Or may be 1 vs 2 or 3 Funny way to practise too!
+1 great idea
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