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Authorthiefing with fullart !?!
iam already TG 2 and it apeers to me, that its getting harder and harder. the problem is that i reached TG 2 while i reached lvl 8 also.

1) does the difficulty belongs to TG or lvl or both?

when iam winning ambush, caravans get stronger when iam loosing, they become more easy.

2) is it worth than to ambush with fullart? or just loose until i can play with min art?

3)player that reply me AND R THIEFS pls tell me with what equipment u ambush...

thx for ur answers...
greetings heuler
I am not sure of my answers (fact!)

1. Both

2. i think sometimes it will cost you with full arts because sometimes this may happen that a player is travelling with 1 troop , then yuor thief art's durability will be wasted by 1.
can play with min art
1) it depends on your combat level, that i am sure. as for TG level, i am not so sure though i've been told that it also matters somehow. when you win, caravan gets stronger, when you lose it gets easier next time.

2) nope. lose until you can play with min AP

3)SoM + Defender shield + Amulet of Luck
* How does the difficulty factor of caravan works?
I don't have the exact formula but it works like this:
a) You won against a certain type of caravan (remember each faction has different tyes of caravans): The next time that you will encounter this type of caravan,
it will be harder (there will be greater stacks, or the stacks can be tech 2 in place of tech 1).
b) You have lost against a certain type of caravan: The next time that you will encounter this type of caravan, it will be a bit easier (you loose some
numbers in stacks, but not so many).

* Is the dificulty of caravans linked to my combat and thief guild level?
Yes, the more your thief guild level and your combat level are high, the more the caravans are hard to manage.
Most caravans are a pain even with full arts while being thief guild level 4 and combat level 9 .

For more information , check this : https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1847051
2) Depends whether or not you are willing to afford the cost. Say if you want to reach a certain TG point, combat level experience etc quicker, if you think its worth it, then it is. The sustainable winning rate at the end for thieving with/without are around the same due to reason mention in 1.
2) To you it will be better if You can play with min art
1. The difficulty depends only on your combat level, it not depends on TG rate.
2. Of course, it is betterjust loose until i can play with min art
3. At lvl 8 I was thieving as a Wizard, so my artifact set won't fit you! :)))
Sorry for posting with my mult! :)
thx guys
u helped me alot...
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