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Authorsystems of this game
what is this system my main char. is just blocked without the admins knowing any reasons just giving a reason to me
no interrogations with me at all!
i cannot communicate to anyone mods tell me to talk to
and secretary doesnt reply !
y did they left this char. unblocked
what a poor game system!
really needs to be improved
i know admins must be busy but if he/she can take time to block players he/she must spend sometime talking or
pm them
just got blocked and my one years is wasted
i suggested many friends to join this game and never gave my reference link to anyone really selflessly
but i wont do that further!!!!!
block this acc. too y did u leave this one /anything special?
Topic moved from "Complaints and applications - Finance and others" to "Queries and help".
Full of illegal transfers. That's why.
if u do such illegal transfer u will sure get blocked
dont blame anybody first look at u
close the topic.
what a poor game system!
really needs to be improved

it is by those doing illegal transfers getting blocked. Thats not a poor system that is justice .
closed by Queen_Amanda (2010-05-09 16:32:07)
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