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   Forums-->Complaints and applications - Finance and others-->

AuthorI am afraid

limustudotcom - Leader of #153

- they ask me send gold for him!
Gift me 30% and it will ease the pressure
Gift me 30% of your gold before you take a vacation though. I will spend it on useful things

- they allow himself offend me
You should take break from game, you are losing your sanity
I'm already a legend xD You are a nobody...just trying to help you stand out a little :)
This is a complaint about being insulted and blackmailed via PM. here is thew evidence:

http://s883.photobucket.com/albums/ac37/Limus_the_Legend/ScreenShotz/?action=view&current=S crLowm_msg.jpg
2+ sorry, this link:

http://s883.photobucket.com/albums/ac37/Limus_the_Legend/ScreenShotz/?action=view&current=S crLowm_msg.jpg
view&current=S crLowm_msg.jpg = view&current=ScrLowm_msg.jpg
S c = Sc
redirect to Secretary (click reply change name to Secretary
It is true. This person sent out a few funny jokes (which I guess he was 'serious' about) in reference to an item I have posted in the forums. He said I should pay him 2,000,000 gold for his 0/60 Thief amulet if I was to collect even 1 gold coin for my 0/11 anniversary amulet.

I said his math was wacky, and that the weight of his gold purse was messing with his mind. He can post screen shots of that conversation if he wants to--it really is hilarious stuff.

In any case, I told him he should consider taking a break from the game because he was clearly losing his mind throughout our 'conversation.' I also jokingly said he should send me 30% of his wealth before his vacation because I'd actually enjoy spending it--a reference to the message that started this all. I said he was the cheapest rich person I know on this server when he said I should give him my amulet for free. Then he made up false information about an item being sold on the market with 0 durability...clearly a scammer trying to accomplish nothing positive for the community.

It was fun chatting with him. Reminded me of talking to several homeless people while I interned in Washington D.C.
[Post deleted by moderator Erebes // ]
[Post deleted by moderator Erebes // ]
[Player banned by moderator Erebes until 2010-05-09 05:49:19 // No 3rd party comments . Warning ban .]
Topic moved from "Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles" to "Complaints and applications - Finance and others".
for Grunge:
1. If you aren't related to the application directly - don't leave your messages in it's topic. Third-party comments are allowed only for providing additional facts about the affair, or for replacing the link to warlog with the more readable battlechat. Discussions, expressing personal opinions, etc. are penalized with at least 24 hour ban.
The whole thing is a joke probably. Just some guy trying to make a name for himself by trying to make a situation out of nothing ^^ I'm surprised Pang didn't close the topic and instead moved it lol. As the rules stand the moderators are supposed to enforce these rules in regards to this private matter pertaining to myself and superbober:

"2. Insults via Private mail should be resend to the Secretary. To resend the letter containing insults - click on 'Reply' button and change the name of the receiver to Secretary."

I am equally insulted if superbober is haha! But I suspect this is merely satire that has been allowed to further weaken the image of moderators doing their job. Pity. This is a matter for the secretary to investigate in any case due to the nature of this situation--not a legal forum topic in either CaA--should he be serious.

"5. To make an application one should post the necessary links (battlechat.php/warlog.php/cgame.php, nick of the defendant, player's transfer protocol, etc.). The more clear and brief your thought is - the faster application will be considered."

No violations exist here. No illegal transfers. No violations of the rules. No threats were made on my part demanding anything, nor did I express negative consequences for doing (or not doing) "x" things. The conversation was of equal footing, nothing more than a humorous exchange of words.

If you want to make a mod's life difficult superbober, be my guest. Clearly, there is a group of people on this server whose sole purpose is to do just that. Have you joined that club?

If there is any mod left enforcing the rules--take a peek at this thread and do what should of been done a long time ago.
Report the matter to the secretary .
closed by Lord Erebes (2010-05-09 07:46:27)
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