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AuthorResource Gold Error

I am posting this here because I am second level thus it is the only place I can post a question.

Prior to my last employment I had 40 gold.I then became employed at the Blacksmith of Retribution which has a wage of 205 gold.

I have received the income from that employment, but my gold level is only 215gp.

40 + 205 should equal 245.

I know this is a small amount of gold, but as it could affect many players this issue could become a big deal.

Could someone in Admin look into this issue please? I am quite sure I am not mistaken about the original gold amount in my possession.

I just got 67 gold from a hunt for anyone who is investigating.
For 1 :

I think it's workahoilc penalty.

i think after you won a battle , you will earn according to the wage.

For 2:

If the hunt consisted of 67 gold, so you recieve 67 gold.
Don't worry it's only 30 gold)
The workshift at BoR ends at 11:35, so you haven't get your gold for your wages yet...

The 175 gold came for elsewhere, most likely from previous employment.

You are right. I am so sorry. Thank you.
closed by Ultima-Thuul (2010-05-04 15:36:18)
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