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AuthorTransfer log not working
Several hours I can't see any transfer log.
(neither mine, nor other players)
i gotta cheat while nobody can see it... xD

lol jk :D
yeah when i clicked the log the whole website freeze..i try refresh the web it seems that useless
are these the symptoms of update ?
Curiosity got the better of me and froze me game :( had to restart, so also not working for me
cant see combat log OR transfer log :-(
combat log works fine for me, sorry for double post
even my transfer log not work
my transfer log not work
my transfer log not work
>are these the symptoms of update ?

Of gradual decline, I'd say.
my transfer log not work
my transfer log not work
Stop cut-n-pasting the same faulty sentence, people. Or at least correct it:

my transfer log does not work

By the way, I think it's rather obvious transfer log doesn't work for anyone, so there's no need for the 1000+ players online to add their line in this thread...
Grrr! I hate when I was press the transfer logs and t stuck for 5 minutes... How unlucky the transfer logs is...
no arbeit Transfer Protocol
no work Transfer Protocol
my transfer log does not work too =(
My transfer log does work.
No I didn't forget a not, it works, so either its working again for every one or the problem isn't general.
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