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AuthorIllegal tournaments by #153 League of Shadows?
From current #153 League of Shadows clan page:


Monster Bounty Event (clan only, monthly event)

DragonFlayer is the coordinator.

This ongoing event allows LOS members a chance to hunt down and kill certain MG quest monsters for the listed bounty. To collect your bounty, you must provide Modi with the link for your winning battle.

Current monster on our hit list: 2 BOUNTIES ARE SET FOR EACH MONSTER BELOW
Links valid only after this time [20:56 APR 03]
Liche Monster >>>> BOUNTY 1000 GOLD (2 of 2 complete)(closed)
Arch Liche >>>> BOUNTY 1000 GOLD (2 of 2 complete)(closed)

WINNERS: DannyNoonan, jahadad, DragonFlayer, Edwin1908

Such kind of competitions are held regularly in League of Shadows clan. Yet, they may infringe game rule 3.22:

3.22. Any custom combat tournaments with a prize reward and/or a participation fee are forbidden.
Custom card game tournaments are allowed.

(The italicized part of the rule is not a highlight from me, but from the rule itself.)

I guess the part about a prize reward is quite obvious. Now, is hunting a particular monster in Mercenary Quest battle counts as a "custom combat tournaments"? Are "custom combat tournaments" limited to duels, group battles and player vs. player ambushes? Or do they include PvE battles like mercenary quests, caravan ambushes, hunts, survival tournament battles?

I have the impression from the rule text that any non-tavern game tournament is a custom combat tournament by definition, without any distinction between PvE and PvP, but I may be wrong. Hence the question mark.

SO, either:

1. Such competitions are allowed. In that case, this thread can be closed, and I demand League of Shadows administrators to accept my apologies. On the plus side, all clans may hold similar events without fear of retribution by Administration.


2. Such competitions are "custom combat tournaments" in the sense of rule 3.22 above. In that case, I demand appropriate penalties to be dealt to #153 clan administration for holding illegal custom combat tournaments with a prize reward.

Note that this thread is not a personal attack against #153 League of Shadows, but simply an open debate over a blurred line in rules some clan leaders may have decided to cross, while others waited carefully for clarifications.

I'd like this application to be processed so it will allow other clan leaders to see where the line stands and what possibilities remain to set up their own competitions.

Thanks for reading :)
This was checked with Arctic before we started doing these EVENTS. These are not tournaments in any shape or form.

SO: 1. Such competitions are allowed. In that case, this thread can be closed, and I demand League of Shadows administrators to accept my apologies. On the plus side, all clans may hold similar events without fear of retribution by Administration.
That's great! Thank you for your quick reply. It means we will be able to set events of the same nature ourselves.

This thread could have been avoided had you mentioned that it had been checked with Arctic on clan page ; but I accept your explanation.

Please accept my apologies then, as stated above.
closed by Arctic (2010-10-29 10:32:28)
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