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AuthorIdea For Production Facilities
It seems that the problem of production facilities come back again-item overloaded and no people buy it

so i voice out my opinion here:

if admin can try make it happen like this..make the produce rate of the facilities go down 80%

so every hour it may only pop up 3 or 4 item..the reason is when the item is too much on the market no people would buy it so the facilities's gold will empty or very less inside there

so make the item become demand>supply so people will buy it and that factory's gold is filled up by players again..

now you would say that :hey you try to make the item's price sky rocket..now here i also suggest one more idea ..

make the selling category into two..
one is the item that produced by player and another is computerized selling machine..Dont get what i mean?look at below..

Produced :
Type Output In stock Price You can buy : 1

Defender shield 509.89 3,300 3300

this is original one ...if admin can make it like this:

Produced :
Type Output In stock Price You can buy : 1

Defender shield 509.89 3,300 3300
Buy from shop instantly: 1 3350

you can buy from shop instantly only ONCE in 1 day..the gold that you bought for 3350 goes into factory..

any thoughts or suggestion?Im welcome all of you post it here..im willing to hear from you all
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