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AuthorHero Demo & Artifacts Influence Tool
LINK: http://www.scoalanr11.org/hero/

How do you use it?
- You just equip the hero with the arts you want.

What does the tool do?
- The tool shows the arts' effects stacked, the total AP and the arts' total cost in gold+resources and also evaluated in gold (the evalation price of resources can be changed).

What is the Level option in the top-left corner?
- You can use it to filter out the arts that can not be equiped for that combat level.

What are the faction and male/female icons for?
- They just change the background image (only works for some factions and genders at the moment; I am still adding images there).

Soon to come:
* option to display the stacked aditional bonuses from arts (e.g. "magic proof") -> [ Status: In progress ]

Note: It has been designed mostly in Opera, but should look ok in Firefox too. I don't know about IE though...

Hope it helps :)
Any suggestions or bug reports are welcome!
- You could add some presents only for women (like Temptress' Boots)
- You could add Hunter's Guild, Laborer's Guild, Mercenaries' Guild and Thieves' Guild.

It's great! Thank you very much :)

Yes, I will add all the gift items and filter them for males and females only.
I'm also planning to add thief arts. And I'll try to add an option to show the influence of guilds.
Is there anyone that can tell me where (right hand, left hand, neck, back etc.) each of these items https://www.lordswm.com/shop.php?cat=gift can be equiped?
Well, I think it would work this way:
Let's say 3 mithril arts with 5% resist:
1-(1-0.05)*(1-0.05)*(1-0.05) = 14.26 %

Correct me if I'm wrong.

May I ask something? Would it be hard to add spell effects, and talents?
I mean, add the chart from the spells section of help, and make it possible to choose if you have talents for that kind of magic :)

Nice work! Congrats! :)
#8 Thanks. I used that formula, I hope it's right :)

Can you detail your suggestions more? Maybe give some examples so I can understand better?
He means some talents (erudition, sorcery etc.) give spell power or knowledge for free. You should include this talents (and maybe breathen commander for elfs).

You have done a great job! It's even more AWESOME =)! Why dont you ask for donations or put your referral link there? I mean, it's really worth a donation!
I finally know that MG guild give you points=.=

I made a picture for you. It is in my album:

This is just a rough presentation of what I've been thinking about.
Hope you can do something like this :)

Keep up the good work! :)

I understand now :)

Well then, these will be added:
- talents that increase skills depending on faction
- information on spells effects depending on spell power, items, enchants and talents

If you have any more suggestions please add :)
Can anyone detail the costs of enhancing arts and what elements are used in the process?

Enchantment% -------------- 2%---- 4%---- 6%----- 8%---- 10%---- 12%----- 14%---- 16%---- 18%----- 20%
Elements from each type: --- 1------- 2------- 4------- 6------- 9-------- 12------- 15------- 19------- 24------- 30

This is for Armor n Jewels, for Weapons, percentages are the half.

Air damage: meteorite shard, windflower
Fire damage: fire crystal, abrasive
Water damage ice crystal, witch bloom
Earth damage: meteorite shard, tiger's claw
Nature effect: windflower, tiger's claw

Air: Windflower
Fire: Fire crystal
Water: Ice crystal
Earth: Meteorite shard
Attack reduce: Moonstone, abrasive

Air: windflower, witch bloom
Fire: fire crytal, tiger's claw
Water: Ice crystal, viper venom
Earth: meteorite shard, toadstool
Defense reduce: Moonstone, abrasive

Prices of elements differ.
pretty neat, mate..
Prices of elements differ.

I'll add an option where you can evaluate the elements at any price you want.
It is getting better and better :) I like it, really much! :)
Nice :)

Will there be an option to equip thief arts in the future?
#19 Yes, I'm planning to add thief arts and also hunter arts, but I'm still thinking about a way to evaluate their prices.

How do you suggest it should be done?
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