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AuthorNew special hunts-epic hunter set
I've got an idea for epic hunts. Only available to lvl 15's, who are level 9 in hunters guild. completely random encounters. CANNOT ask for hunter assistance. (look at earlier topics to learn about lvl 15)

Namean Lion-Epic Monster. If killed you will get Namean Pelt. (See epic hunter armor index at end.)
Abilities-Large creature. Fear howl (same as fear attack, but in 2x2 area in front of it.) Brittle Fur (10% damage reduction.)

Medusa-Epic Monster. When killed drops Aegis. Part of epic hunter set.
Abilities-Petrify-Always knocks opponent back on atb scale by 1.

Cambe-Epic Monster. Drops Cambe's scimitar. Epic Hunter set.
Abilities-Large Creature. Flyer. Deadly Acid. (20 poison damage a turn until stack is completely dead.)

Hecatoncheires-Epic Monster. Drops 2 Hecatoncheires Gloves, part of the epic hunter set. (note: the two drop is reason for increased strength.)
Abilities-Shooter. No melee penalty. One hundred handed attack (no melee penalty, same as ladon's attack, hits 100 times.)

Demilich-Epic Monster. Drops Lich Skull, Part of epic set.
Abilities-Shooter. Caster. Through Shot, Richochet Shot
Casts fireball and Disruption Ray on expert. with 15sp

Leviathan-Epic Monster. Drops Leviathan's Scale-mail, part of Epic Hunter set.
Abilities-Collosous (takes up the whole troop set up area)
Impenetrable hide (immune to ranged attacks)

Talus-Epic Monster. Drops Ichor Amulet. Part of epic hunter set.
Abilities-Large Creature. Mechanical. Achilles Heel (most attacks will only do 50% damage, but every once in a while an attack will hit 1000%. Its at about 1:30 ratio.)

Hermes-Godly Monster. drops Hermes' Sandals. Part of Epic Hunter Set. (note: Hermes can't die, he just teleports away when health hits 1, and leaves his shoes behind.)
Abilities-Flyer. Immortal (can't die.)

Epic Equipment Index
Namean Pelt (cloak)-+8 def. 15% resistance to range attacks.
Aegis (shield)-+10 defense. All creatures now possess fear attack.
Cambe's Scimitar (sword)-+10 Attack. 5% initiativeAll units poison.
Hecatoncheires Gloves-+5 defense. Rangers now have double strike with both equipped. If ranger already has double strike, its increased to quadruple.
Lich Skull-+5def +2luck. Doubles strength of raise dead.
Leviathan Scale-mail-+15 Defense. 10% ranged resistance (stackable)
Ichor Amulet-+3 morale +1 luck +10% initiative. Creatures now possess all the traits of mechanical creatures (immunities etc.) without loss of morale.
Hermes' Sandals-+5 defense. +1 speed of all creatures. All creatures are now fliers.
All items have 1000 durability.
Full set- double damage to neutrals. +10% initiative. +2 min/max damage. +1 speed of troops. (5-8 items 60-90% damage increase.)

Thank you everyone for reading!! Comments would be appreciated.
A really cool idea they would be hard to kill, however the set wouldnt be that great, in high level hunts defence is useless. Attack is the way forward
All items have 1000 durability.

that's a but much, don't you think?
#2. Don't forget, they can be used in pvp, and if you have full set the bonuses (besides double damage to neutrals) still stand. Also, you're not going to get some crazy attack bonus from a pair of slippers.
#3. No, I don't. Some players want to get rid of durability entirely. These items, are ancient and have very powerful magic on them, making them virtually indestructible. Not to mention getting them is a pain, considering you cant sell them.
i little too overpowered

can u buy it in the market?

if so, how much would it cost?
#5. Read previous post, it cannot be bought in market. Also, if you noticed this would only be available to level 15's, and only the top three players would be able to level up right now. Theres also the fact its a 1 in 200 chance of fighting one, and pretty much the same odds for defeating one.
(Very, very, veeeeerrrrryyyyyy) Easy to kill for level 15, and the set is soooooooooo good!
Pretty good idea!!!

I think a raid for these things with 2 or 3 players will be really cool and also the items seems nice... but this is only for 15 lvl...

I suggest to make epic hunts for lower lvls to make it intresting for everyone!!!

Bravo Rendingblade!!!!!
(Very, very, veeeeerrrrryyyyyy) Easy to kill for level 15, and the set is soooooooooo good!

Leviathan-Epic Monster. Drops Leviathan's Scale-mail, part of Epic Hunter set.
Abilities-Collosous (takes up the whole troop set up area)
Impenetrable hide (immune to ranged attacks)

you think you can kill this at lv 15? without the greatest of the best arts? very very very eaasy? :/

I know ur lvl 4 but you have a warped view of higher levels
Oh and i think you should be able to sell these on the market btw otherwise youd never get a full set. but i love the idea
I know ur lvl 4 but you have a warped view of higher levels

You must think this is my highest level character? Nope, sorry, i got a few level 10+ on .ru and i can say that any level 15 could beat it.
that idea is awesome!!!!!!

You must think this is my highest level character? Nope, sorry, i got a few level 10+ on .ru and i can say that any level 15 could beat it.

you still have a warped view, 20,000hp 90 defense immune to ranged attack, 13 initiative?
Abilities-Collosous (takes up the whole troop set up area)
Impenetrable hide (immune to ranged attacks)

but can they be killed by magic?if so i think wizards would totally own this one.20000 hp,hmmmmm brilliant can probaly kill it,considering he can recharge mana and the thing doesnt move.but if it is imune to magic too wizards wont stand a chance at all.and shrews have hit and return,slowly kill it.rethink the 0 speed
lots of bugs u have there,hermes will easily be killed by magic,with only 1000 hp
you still have a warped view, 20,000hp 90 defense immune to ranged attack, 13 initiative?

Infected zombies; enough said
If Harvest Soul would work; one hit kill!

Dark Elf
Disruption ray (both hero + dark witches) and Shrew+Lizard Assailant combo.
(Actually you can do this with just shrews, because it has 0 speed ;))

Disruption ray again (both hero + cave (or pit) demons) and then just kill!
This will be harder then Dark Elf, Necro or Wizard but still possible

Well first it needs 6 turns to kill the magi (lorekeepers) and genies (senior genies), another 2 turns for the modern golems, and another 5 turns for the whole stack of ench. gargoyles. Thats 13 turns for the spellcaster. That is enough to kill it. (Not counting level 15 upgrades, tier 6 or 7, or lorekeeper/genie damage)

Royal Griffins' battle dive
I want to create too! (BTW - Your creations is COOL!)

Great Elementler - Epic Monster. When killed drops Sealed Shield. Part of epic hunter set.

Attack - 111
Defense - 111
HP - 111111
Damage - 11-111
Speed - 11
Mana - 111
Initiative - 11
Abilities - Large Shield , Immune to magic , Elemental , Caster , Large Creature , Glimmer Eyes

Description -

~Glimmer Shield - When this creature had 1111 HP left , it can deal the damage same as its HP now and it will ignore defend. (If it has 230 HP then it will deal 230 Damage on the next attack)
~Caster - Weakness(Expert)
~A Big Kind of Guardian but with very Dark-Flashing Red Chain Mail and Holding a A Big Shield with both Hand.

Epic Equipment Index -

Sealed Shield(Shield) - +11 Defend , 11% Magic Shield
for X-hunter:
I think it has too much health
Awesome..another challenging hunt :D
Sorry guys...time for some cleanup

Leviathan Abilities-Collosous Impentrable Hide. Unlimited Retaliation (what i meant by immune to ranged attacks, it means attack from afar. This includes magic. Sorry for being vague in description.) Perceptive Strike (can retaliate non retaliation units.) Tripe retaliate (because of its size, it can retaliate three times.) Retribution (Lashes out if you hide from melee combat for 5 turns. Strikes out at all units for 150% damage by swinging its tail around and totally pimp slapping you.)

Hermes Abilities-Flyer. Immortal. Godly Aura (all magic attacks dissipate into nothingness near him.)

Harvest soul/Doom blade wont work on Hermes, and will only work for the others below 500hp.

X-hunter- Thank you for your compliment, as for the monster lets try to give it the name of a real mythological creature, such as Scylla or Charybdis? Also, all the ones are giving me a headache. :p

If there are any more weak spots in my monster that would make them easy (by the way, Medusa's speed is now 5. With 4 it allows too much time before she reaches you. If you start running, with the enchanted gargoyles for example, she will turn you to stone for three turns, so don't run!) please report to me and I'll fix them! Id like to see these included in the game so give support, simply by commenting. If we reach 100 comments it might get the admins attention.
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