Author | Talent problem |
Hi all I've reached level 5 a few days back and I'm a bit confused about how do u get talent points for learning talents
and how many points do u get whenever u get some?
The second thing I want to know is that is learning the talent basic holy/darkness magic important to learn at holy/darkness schools.
I'm really confused and a lot is going through my mind so please reply so that I solve some queries of mine |
Level 5 you get 10 talent points. Then you get 5 points extra every level.
Basic holy/darkness magic talents affect your spells as detailed here:
Knights would tell you getting basic magic talents isn't recommended at level 5. Knight faction topic: |
u get talent points on leveling pantheon said, we get 10 TP on lvl 5..
when we level up from 5 we get 5TP... |
yet, different factions will have different cost on talent.
take example on knight, it only cost you 7 point per morale talent; while it cost 10 points per morale talent for elf. so, dont be surprise on opponents get different talent build than you. |
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help". |
O.K but the second question what about it is it necessary to do that |
Talents improve your spells effects, details can be found on above link. Your lord can learn Lv 1 & 2 spells from the magic guild without any talent, but to learn Lv 3, 4 & 5 spells, he needs to have basic, advance and expert talent of the magic school respectively. |
Thanks a lot to all of u and I want to say sorry to the administration for posting this thread in the gneral forum |